Page 36 - May/June 2022 Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 36

The Secret Lives of WMAs
        Plenty of Opportunities, Activity on These Areas
        During “Off Season”
        By John Rempe, Wildlife Biologist

                                The Secret Lives of WMAs

                                                 Plenty of Opportunities, Activity

                                                 On These Areas During “Off-Season”

                                                 By John Rempe, Wildlife Biologist

                                                                                                                   KELLY ADAMS/ODWC

               Summertime fishing fun is an option at   People who know about the Wildlife Management Areas
               Doc Hollis Lake on the Sandy Sanders
               WMA in southwestern Oklahoma.     (WMAs) across the state most likely think about them as
                                                 hunting or fishing spots. Most sportsmen and sportswom-
                                                 en who visit their favorite WMAs to enjoy the outdoors by
                                                 hunting are using those areas from September to January
                                                 each year. Some of them return during spring turkey sea-
                                                 son in April and May.
                                                   But it’s only during that six-month period each year when
                                                 most people visit WMAs. Truth is, there’s a lot happening
                                                 on these Wildlife Department areas during the other six
                                                 months of the year.

               34                                                                                      OUTDOOR OKLAHOMA

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