Page 37 - May/June 2022 Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 37


                                  All lands owned, leased, or under the management of the Wildlife Department
 The Secret Lives of WMAs       are referred to as WMAs to accurately reflect the overall objectives for these
                                lands and the results of the manage-
                                ment activities conducted there.
                                  Depending on the specific manage-                                                WHITNEY HESKETT/ODWC
                                ment objectives, all or parts of any
                                particular WMA may be designated
                                as a public hunting area (PHA), game
                                management area (GMA), waterfowl
                                refuge portion (WRP), wetland devel-
                                opment unit (WDU), conservation and
                                education area (CEA) and public fish-
                                ing and hunting area (PFHA).
                                  In addition to the ODWC-owned
                                WMAs, the Department also works with other state and federal agencies to main-  Wister WMA
                                                                                                    and Lake Wister
                                tain public access on their areas. The McAlester Army Ammunition Plant (AAP) and   offers plenty of
                                the Camp Gruber Joint Maneuver Training Center (JMTC) are both owned and   “off-season”
                                                                                                    opportunities for
                                operated by the U.S. Department of the Army. National recreation areas and the   outdoor adventure.
                                national wildlife refuges are owned and managed by the U.S. Department of the
                                Interior. All of these areas provide some hunting and fishing opportunities.

               TONY CRAWFORD/ODWC                                WHY ARE THERE WMAs
                                                                 IN OKLAHOMA?
                                                                  The Oklahoma Department of
                                                                 Wildlife Conservation’s mission is man-
                                                                 age and protect fish and wildlife, along
                                                                 with their habitats,
                                                                 while also grow-
                                                                 ing our communi-                                  JENNIFER BENGE/ODWC
                                                                 ty of hunters and
                                                                 anglers, partnering
                                                                 with  those  who
                                                                 love the outdoors,
                                                                 and fostering stew-
                                                                 ardship with those who care for the land.  Cattle grazing
                                                                                                    leases are a way that
                                                                  In ODWC’s 2021 Game Harvest Survey,   WMAs can return
                                                                 hunters  were  asked,  “How  important   revenue for ODWC’s
                                                                                                    wildlife conservation
                                                                 is public land to you for your hunting?”   and management
                                                                 More than eight of 10 hunters said it was
                                                                 “very important.”
                                                                  Of those who said they were active
                                                                 hunters, 29 percent had hunted on public
                                                                 lands in 2020, and 8 percent relied exclu-
               Aerial application of herbicides is sometimes needed to accomplish
               management objectives on WMAs.                    sively on public land for hunting.

               MAY/JUNE 2022                                                                                    35

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