Page 38 - May/June 2022 Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 38

In  recent  years,
               JENA DONNELL/ODWC                                                 hunters have cited a

                                                                                 lack of access to land
                                                                                 for hunting. The sur-
                                                                                 vey asked licensed
                                                                                 hunters,  “How  has
                                                                                 your access to pri-
                                                                                 vate land for hunt-
                                                                                 ing  changed  over
                                                                                 the last five years?”
                                                                                 Responses  showed
                                                                                 that 31 percent said
                                                                                 they had less access,
                                                                                 while 47 percent had
                                                                                 about the same level
                                                                                 of access.
               Many WMAs are      WMAs offer more than just hunting and fishing opportunities. They are also
               great locations
               for birdwatching,   used for outdoor events such as bird watching and educational tours, camping,
               as this group    boating, horseback riding, mountain biking, and hiking.
               at Hackberry       The survey asked licensed hunters if they visit WMAs for reasons other than
               Flats WMA in
               southwestern     hunting, and about four out of 10 said they had visited a WMA for nonhunt-
               Oklahoma.        ing-related activities. Consequently, about 60 percent of surveyed hunters had

                                not visited a WMA for reasons other than hunting, which represents a sizable
                                opportunity for ODWC to share with more license holders the wide array of
                                activities available on WMAs.

                                WHERE ARE WMAs FOUND?
                                  The Wildlife Department manages 102 public hunting and fishing areas
                                across the state, ranging from Rita Blanca National Grasslands in Cimarron
                                County to the McCurtain County Wilderness Area in McCurtain County.
                                Among those areas are 83 WMAs and 13 ODWC-owned fishing lakes. WMAs
                                can be found in at least 55 of the state’s 77 counties, and some counties con-
                                tain multiple WMAs.
                                  The Department’s WMAs reflect how Oklahoma is blessed with a wide range of
                                wildlife  habitats.
                                Habitat  ranges                                              Ponca City
                                from  shortgrass
                                prairie to tallgrass   WMA LOCATIONS                                   Tulsa
                                prairie, from pine   IN OKLAHOMA
                                forest  to  des-
                                                                           Elk City      Oklahoma City
                                ert  areas  in  the
                                southwest,  and                                                        McAlester
                                river  bottoms,                              Altus  Lawton
                                hill country, cross
                                timbers, sloughs
                                and wetlands.

               36                                                                                      OUTDOOR OKLAHOMA

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