Page 39 - May/June 2022 Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 39


                                  A key in properly managing the land                                              TONY CRAWFORD/ODWC
                                is choosing how to use it wisely. Each
                                Department WMA has a management
                                plan on how best to protect, enhance
                                and use the area. Each WMA has its
                                own particular wildlife species and
                                habitat to manage.
                                  Habitat and wildlife management
                                go hand in hand. Habitat manage-
                                ment may include prescribed burning,
                                herbicide applications, agriculture or
                                grazing leases, timber thinning, and mineral or surface rights leasing.   Off-season
                                  The top priority for public use of WMAs is for hunting, fishing, trapping, run-  burning is an
                                ning dogs for sport, and associated activities. Lesser priorities, in order, are:  important habitat
                                                 • Other wildlife-oriented activities (nature observation or
                                                                                                    practice on WMAs
               WHITNEY HESKETT/ODWC              • Non-wildlife related activities, when they don’t conflict   across the state.
                                                  photography, conservation education, etc.).

                                                  with wildlife management objectives (hiking, backpacking,
                                                  picnicking, horseback riding, short-term camping, etc.)
                                                 • Large group activities.

                                                   The Department uses leases as a management tool to
                                                 benefit wildlife by providing supplemental food and cover,
                                                 creating edges, maintaining openings, promoting various
                                                 habitat changes to meet area management goals, and
                                                 demonstrating publicly the compatibility between manage-
                                                 ment practices and wildlife habitat improvements. Leases
                                                 also generate funds for other management area activities.
                                                   Currently, there are 233 agriculture-related leases. Just
               Nature photography   shy of $1 million in revenue was generated by these leases in fiscal year 2021.
               can be quite
               rewarding during   Along with managing for the wildlife and habitat, some areas also manage for
               the off-season at   human visitation to the area. A common way this is done is by closing some WMAs
               Department WMAs.
                                for a certain type of hunting, or holding only controlled hunts on the area.


               Training of personal hunting dogs is an activity available on WMAs from Sept. 1 to May 30 annually.

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