Page 43 - May/June 2022 Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 43

Artist Debby Kaspari may have grown up in northern
               California, but her early years were linked to Oklahoma
               through a childhood hero, George M. Sutton. Sutton, a
               legend in the bird world for both his research and artwork,   “When you draw, you need to take in all the
               spent his final three decades in Oklahoma studying our   little details . The scope helps me see so many
               bird life. Kaspari’s eventual move to Norman, the city
               Sutton had called home, was purely coincidence when she   elements that I may miss with the naked eye .”
               met and married future University of Oklahoma biology
               professor Mike Kaspari. But her current home serves as yet
               another connection to her early hero.                                                               JENA DONNELL/ODWC
                 As in Sutton’s artwork, birds are the primary subject
               of Kaspari’s sketches. And while she’s traveled exten-
               sively for her work, Kaspari also finds artistic inspiration
               in the native plants and animals found in and around her
               Norman neighborhood.
                 “I was able to start a new project (recently), drawing vis-
               iting Mississippi kites, without leaving my yard,” Kaspari
               said. “The kites would preen and hunt for frogs and insects
               from a nearby tree that had multiple bare branches. I prob-
               ably have more than 150 sketches of those birds. I was just
               drawing for hours.”
                 To better view and capture the birds’ gestures and
                                                                  Debby Kaspari sketches visiting Mississippi kites from life in her
               poses, Kaspari set up a scope in her front yard.    Norman front yard.

               Mississippi kite drawing, made through a scope, left, and finished “Kite in the Wind” oil on canvas, based on life-sketches.

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