Page 47 - May/June 2022 Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 47

Wildlife Conservation Foundation Spotlight


                Ethan House, Board of Directors

                                     House is originally from Houston.
                                   He is married to Wendy House, and                                               COURTESY
                                   they have a daughter, Hadley. He and
                                   his family now reside in Oklahoma.
                                   He is the vice president for business
                                   development at EnergyNet Inc.,
                                   where oil, natural gas, and other com-
                                   modities are auctioned.
                                     He earned his bachelor’s degree in
                                   marketing, advertising and public rela-
               tions from West Texas A&M University. He joined the Oklahoma
               Wildlife Conservation Foundation as an original member in 2018
               after a colleague introduced him to Wildlife Commissioner James
               V. Barwick. After some discussion about OWCF, he was eager,
               without hesitation, to join the board. He loves the outdoors and
                                                                  House enjoys fly fishing on a mountain stream.
               the mission the Foundation was setting out to accomplish.
                 House is encouraging others to support the Oklahoma Department   side makes him happy, even if it’s just mowing the grass. If he had
               of Wildlife Conservation through OWCF so all can enjoy the wildlife   to choose an all-time favorite outdoor activity, it would have to be
               and wild spaces Oklahoma has to offer. By joining the Foundation, he   fishing, he said. “Whether you are fly fishing a river in the mountains
               can actively ensure that future generations have the space to enjoy   or out on the flats in the bay, you get to experience a slice of the
               their outdoor pursuits.                                               outdoors that the majority never get a
                 He  believes  that  there  are  several                           COURTESTY  chance to see,” he said.
               projects that ODWC has identified that                                  He considers himself fortunate to not
               need to be focused on, and they vary                                  only get to experience the outdoors
               greatly. He understands the differenc-                                himself, but he has the opportunity
               es in updated fish hatcheries across the                              to share it with his friends and family.
               state and assisting Game Wardens with                                 He tries to get his family into the out-
               updated gear and equipment. “Both are                                 doors at every opportunity. Whether
               integral to the future of the outdoors in                             it’s a fishing excursion, hiking, biking or
               Oklahoma,” he said. House is confident                                simply going for a walk in the woods,
               that OWCF will be able to assist with the                             he just enjoys experiencing it with his
               goals of the Department for the better-                               family. “I wish it were all day every day.
                                              Fishing is among House’s many outdoor pursuits.
               ment of sportsmen and sportswomen as   Here, he proudly shows off a nice lunker bass.  There is so much to learn just watching
               well as the employees of ODWC.                                        the natural world,” he said.
                 Other boards and groups House is involved with include:  “I ask two things from everyone who reads this: 1. Support the
                 •  The Petroleum Alliance of Oklahoma.           OWCF  in any  way
                 •  Acquisition, Divestment & Mergers (ADAM-OKC).   you can. Every dollar                          COURTESY
                 •  Oklahoma Youth Hunting Program.               counts! 2. Introduce
                 •  Wes Welker Foundation.                        someone to the
                 “I have been hunting and fishing most of my life,” House said.   outdoors this year
               “It has grown and expanded into variations and has taken me all   — a family member,
               over the U.S. and other countries. The experiences are incred-  friend, or colleague.
               ible, as are the people you meet along the way. The best part   Find something you
               about it is that you have a story to tell later and inspire others to   can both do, and
               experience the outdoors.”                          create some fond   House, right, and hunting buddy after a
                 House enjoys any outdoor activity. Anything that gets him out-  memories.”   successful Argentinian dove hunt.

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