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able  for  download  for  Apple  and  Android  devices.  It   The Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation
                replaces the Department’s previous Pocket Ranger app,   receives no state tax revenues and is proud to be fund-
                which is no longer supported by the app’s creators.  ed  entirely  by  sportsmen  and  sportswomen.  Every
                  All  lifetime  license  holders  and  returning  cus-  time you buy a hunting or fishing license in Oklahoma,
                tomers are being asked to sign in to Go Outdoors   you are helping fund wildlife conservation in the state.
                Oklahoma to complete their existing customer       Buying  licenses  helped  bring  back  the  wild  turkey  to
                account.  New  users  will  set  up  a  new  account.  Each   populations  not  seen  since  1900.  It  has  helped  bring
                account holder will have a customer ID number, and all   fish  species  to  our  state  that  our  fathers  could  only
                licenses and  other  transactions with the Department   dream  of  including  striped  bass,  saugeye,  trout  and
                will be organized using that customer ID.          hybrid stripers.

                Go Outdoors Oklahoma

                Frequently Asked Questions

                Q: If I have a lifetime license,                                      ate an account by completing the
                do I need to set up an account?                                       customer information form. Once
                  A:  Lifetime  license  holders                                      complete, you will be redirected to
                already have a customer account                                       your customer home page.
                in the new system. But everyone
                is  being  asked  to  sign  in  and                                   Q: What is a customer ID?
                verify the account information                                          A:  An  ODWC  customer  ID  is
                for accuracy. Log in by going to                                      a  unique  number  that  will  be
                                                  assigned to you when you first log
                and choosing the “Licensing” tab                                      in. You may locate this number on
                or the “Purchase a License” Quick                                     your  customer  home  page  and
                Link. From there, you can log in                                      may use it for future log-ins. This
                to  the  Go  Outdoors  Oklahoma                                       number is unique to you and will
                system to get additional permits,                                     identify all of your transactions so
                manage  your  profile,  e-check                                       you can find all of your informa-
                your harvest and more.                                                tion and history in one location.

                Q: Will I still be able to                                            Q: How do I buy a license?
                purchase at a license                                                   A:  Once  logged  in,  click  on  the
                dealer location?                                                      “Purchase  Licenses”  tab.  This  will
                  A:  Yes.  Most  license  dealer                                     take  you  to  the  License  Catalog,
                locations  have  agreed  to  con-                                     where you can add multiple items
                tinue  to  sell  ODWC  licenses.  We                                  to  your  cart  and  check  out.  Once
                suggest  you  call  ahead  before                                     purchased, your licenses and per-
                visiting a license dealer to make                                     mits will be shown in your custom-
                sure  that  dealer  is  ready  to  sell                               er account.
                you a license.
                                                                                      Q: What is auto-renew?
                Q: How do I log in?                                                     A:  When  you  buy  a  license
                  A:  Go  to  and  choose   or  permit,  you  may  be  given  an  option  to  sign  up  for
                “Purchase a License” from the Quick Links. From there,   auto-renew. This new feature can help ensure that you
                you  can  log  in  to  buy  a  license,  manage  your  profile,   are never caught in the field or on the water without the
                e-check your harvest and more. You’ll be required provide   proper license! If you choose to participate, the system
                your date of birth, last name, and last four digits of your   will  automatically  renew  applicable  licenses  and  per-
                Social Security number to log in or to create a new cus-  mits when they are about to expire using your stored
                tomer account. If you have bought an Oklahoma fishing or   payment  method.  You  will  receive  an  email  10  days
                hunting license before, your customer home page should   before your license expires notifying you that your eligi-
                display. If you are new to the system, you will need to cre-  ble licenses are set to auto-renew. You may adjust your

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