Page 23 - 2019 MAR/APR Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 23

Start by teaching them about the equipment they
                will be using and how to get it rigged up. Simple                                                   ANDREA CREWS/ODWC
                knots such as the improved clinch and Palomar are
                great for first-timers. Every craftsman takes pride is
                his or her work, and reeling in a fish is the result of
                that dedication, so don’t skip these steps. They will
                instill confidence in the new angler and eventually
                lead to the ability to do it on his or her own, which is
                ultimately the goal that can sometimes get lost in the
                pursuit of simply catching fish.
                  This also means encouraging a new angler to bait
                his or her own hook. If a new angler is hesitant to
                touch a worm or some other type of “yucky” bait,
                start out with a crappie nibble. These work great
                for panfish, cost about the same as a cup of worms,
                and a full cup can last much longer since they keep
                without refrigeration. I personally use crappie nibbles
                exclusively when panfishing. There’s less mess, and I
                don’t have to worry about forgetting them in a pack
                on a hot day.
                  If you don’t have the availability to get a first timer
                out during the warmer months, don’t despair. These   Neighborhood ponds can be perfect places for new anglers to hone
                same basic principles can be applied to any one of   their skills and share the fun of fishing with family and friends.
                Oklahoma’s winter trout fisheries. Just ditch the bob-  the importance of making sure your angler has a
                ber for a swivel and slip sinker (1/8th ounce usually   firm grasp of casting and reeling when deciding to
                does the trick). Dolese Pond in Oklahoma City and   upgrade to lures. The variables for success increase
                Veteran’s Park Pond in Tulsa are great starting spots   dramatically at this stage, so it’s best to stick with the
                for those in the state’s major metros, but there are   same basic rod and reel setup and use small, steady
                trout areas throughout the state: Perry CCC (near   retrievable lures such as rooster tails and beetle spin-
                Stillwater), Blue River (near Ada), Medicine Park (near   ners. And now the dreaded snag is in play.
                Lawton), Mountain Fork River (near Broken Bow), Wa-  I love rooster tails. They are versatile and have suc-
                tonga (near Woodward), Carl Etling (near Boise City)   cessful hook-set rates due to a rear treble hook that
                and Lower Illinois River (below Tenkiller Lake).  stays horizontal when retrieved. I prefer a 1/16-ounce
                  As opposed to watching a bobber for indication of   olive Worden’s vibric rooster tail. It’s an excellent
                a fish strike, trout anglers using Powerbait and a slip  spring and fall lure for all pond species because, at a
                sinker watch the tips of their rod for a bite. Because   medium retrieve speed, it usually avoids hazards by
                of the cooler weather during trout-stocking season,   staying in the middle of the water column. It’s easy
                I would recommend only taking those first-time an-  to sense a strike, and the tension from the retrieve is
                glers who are really hyped about going. Poor weath-  usually enough to set the hook, making it the perfect
                er conditions and longer wait times between bites   starter lure for a new angler. Another good starter
                can be turnoffs for those just getting started with   lure is an 1/8-ounce black or orange beetle spinner.
                fishing. It’s important to know the type of person   These two lures introduce the basic principles
                you’ll be taking.                                 needed when anglers begin to explore larger bodies
                  Once your new angler gets the hang of the cast-  of water with heavier crankbaits and spinners. They
                and-wait (or visual fishing) technique, you’re ready to   teach new anglers how to really set a hook on a strik-
                move on to cast-and-retrieve methods. I can’t stress   ing fish. There’s something instinctual about feeling

                2019 ANGLERS’ GUIDE                                                                              21

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