Page 24 - 2019 MAR/APR Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 24


                Youth fishing tournaments help keep young anglers engaged in the sport. They teach anglers respect for resource and appreciation of fishing.

                the tug against the tension of a steadily retrieved line   Keeping At It
                and setting the hook.
                  Now that you’ve got a new angler “hooked” on fish-  Introducing someone new to fishing is easy. Creat-
                ing, let’s recap the basics. Take a new angler fishing   ing a fisherman is a challenge. Many factors contrib-
                during good weather conditions on small bodies of   ute to keeping us away from the water. For kids, it’s
                water at the most productive times of year. Keep   school activities, sports, video games, and a pleth-
                the equipment simple: bait and bobber, or small,   ora of other interruptions that can quickly detract
                steady retrievable lures. Teach your new angler to   from the desire to go fishing. For the mentors, it’s
                be self-sufficient: how to tie knots, bait a hook, cast   a matter of making time available for them and the
                and reel. Provide encouragement during moments    children to go fishing. As we get older, work, financial
                of failure. From the most elite BASS Series anglers to   obligations and other distractions keep us off the
                the first-timer, everyone will miss catching a fish that   water. Like all hobbies, fishing takes passion to stay
                should have been caught. Remember to stay patient   engaged. Anglers are the reason many of us even
                and positive. Reinforce good experiences by taking   have access to the resource in today’s world.
                new anglers out as often as possible. Every learning   Anglers drive fisheries management, public access
                curve will be different. A self-sufficient angler can be   and conservation efforts. Every time someone buys a
                molded in as little as a summer or as long as a life-  new lure or a fishing license, he or she is ensuring that
                time. The most important aspect is that we’re passing  the next generation will have access to the resource. As
                along a heritage.                                 anglers, we are as dependent on the fish as they are on

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