Page 26 - 2019 MAR/APR Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 26

Going after unfamiliar species                                                                      WILDLIFEDEPARTMENT.COM
                such as trout can help an
                angler’s passion last a lifetime.

                Relearning It

                  I’ve covered how to introduce someone new to    reigniting that passion, especially if a lot of time has
                the sport, and how to keep an angler engaged. Now   passed between his or her last fishing experience.
                I’ll discuss a truly difficult aspect of continuing the   Fortunately with this group, there is usually a basic
                fishing heritage: reactivating an angler who has lost   understanding of fishing principles, so getting the
                the passion.                                      fishing fire started can happen as suddenly as one
                  There are many reasons why people stop fishing.   trip to the lake. Always be on the lookout for someone
                Sometimes life just gets in the way. The biggest key to  who might be interested in wetting a line again.
                getting someone interested in fishing again is under-  The second group are those who were unable to
                standing why they quit in the first place. They can   stay engaged. There are many reasons this can hap-
                usually be categorized into three groups.         pen. Try introducing them to a species they’ve never
                  The first group are those who never made it past   fished for or a new type of fishing. You may have a
                the introduction stage. They were either unsuccess-  family member, friend or work colleague who fits this
                ful and did not enjoy the experience so they chose   description. It never hurts to ask them to tag along on
                not to continue, or they no longer had access to the   your next trip. Oklahoma allows for several different
                sport. Like any activity, fishing cannot be forced on   types of fishing and has liberal creel limits for those
                someone; the joy must come from within. Something   seeking table fare. Snagging for paddlefish or jug-
                as simple as extending an invitation to someone who   lining for blue catfish could have someone coming
                has not fished in a while can go a long way toward   down with the fishing bug before they know it.

                24                                                                                   OUTDOOR OKLAHOMA

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