Page 27 - 2019 MAR/APR Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 27

The last group is unfortunately the hardest to rein-
                troduce to the sport. They are those who have stopped                                               MATT MAUCK/ODWC
                because they simply didn’t enjoy it. Fishing isn’t for
                everyone, but it doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t have
                the opportunity. We ought to extend invitations when
                a time presents itself. Anglers such as these are best
                suited for hot spots on a local pond or a thick white
                bass run. One successful fishing trip could have a ma-
                jor effect on a person’s outlook on fishing. They may
                not become actively engaged anglers, but the expe-
                rience might help spark an interest in a child of their
                own someday. Just having the skills to be able to fish
                and pass that knowledge along to the next generation
                is invaluable to the sport and the resource, even if that
                person does not become an avid angler.
                  The next generation of anglers carries the wisdom
                of those who came before them, and in this spirit an   Oklahoma waters provide ample opportunities for new and
                                                                  seasoned anglers alike. Species such as alligator gar can give a
                angler’s journey never truly ends.                veteran angler quite a thrill.


                    Wet-wading a local stream is a great way to beat
                    the summer heat and have a little fishing fun.

                2019 ANGLERS’ GUIDE                                                                              25

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