Page 29 - 2019 MAR/APR Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 29

Largemouth Bass

                                                                                 Slow roll something small. Remem-
                                                                               ber you are not the only one fishing
                                                                               a pond, lake or stream. Fish see a lot
                                                                               of lures, many of which are reaction-
                                                                               ary lures meant to disrupt. When the
                                                                               bite slows on traditional crankbaits,
                Smallmouth Bass
                                                                               jigs or topwaters, try something
                                                                               more subtle. A small bait moving at a
                                                                               snail’s pace can entice the largest of
                                                                               fish, especially around structure. For
                                                                               largemouth, try a 2-inch storm-eye
                                                                               shad. For stream smallmouth, try a
                                                                               1/16-ounce olive with black and red
                                                                               flake tube.

                Striped Bass
                  It’s all about depth control. When using live bait for school-
                ing striped bass, good electronics and depth control
                are essential. Make a mark on your rod one foot from              Striped Bass
                where the line exits the reel. When you have
                the stripers dialed in on your depth
                finder, open your bale and
                make as many hand pulls
                to that one foot mark as
                it takes to get your bait
                to the exact depth of the
                school. This is a simple and ef-
                fective way to control your bait depth
                and put you on more fish.

                  Slice the bait. When it comes to blue cats, there’s             Blue Catfish
                really no substitute for fresh gizzard shad. If
                a traditional tail, body, or head
                chunk isn’t getting the job
                done at your catfish hotspot,
                try using the whole shad
                hooked behind the eyes under
                the hard part of the snout. With
                scissors or a knife, make a few small incisions
                on the belly of the shad allowing for more scent to drift in the current.

                2019 ANGLERS’ GUIDE                                                                              27

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