Page 31 - 2019 MAR/APR Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 31


                Wildlife Department technician Emily Clark re-created these scraping tools and the buckskin thongs.

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                Wildlife Tech Crafts Traditional Items for Museum

                By Don P. Brown, Information and Education Specialist  of everyday use. And some of her “artifacts” are now on
                                                                  display in the Ponca City museum.
                  Call it a labor of love for Emily Clark, a big game wild-  In 2014, Clark was hired by the Wildlife Department.
                life technician for the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife  Her  existing  interest  in  traditional  crafting  was  only
                Conservation. But to her, it’s not really labor; she creates  stoked when she began working daily to help manage
                by choice and out of pure enjoyment.              Oklahoma’s deer populations. And through research and
                  Clark is a craftsman of her own teaching. And while her  a how-to book, she taught herself the process to create
                skills might be rare these days, they are nothing new. And  buckskin from deer hide.
                recently  she  had  the  opportunity  to  share  her  talents   “It’s  very  rare  to  find  people  that  do  this,  that  do
                with the Cultural Center and Indian Museum at Marland’s  buckskin,”  Clark  said.  “It’s  very  time-intensive.”  She
                Grand Home in Ponca City.                         spends about a week working on each hide, not count-
                  Clark  is  a  buckskin  maker  and,  by  extension,  a  tool- ing the time spent to harvest the deer in the first place.
                maker. Just like the native peoples of centuries ago, Clark  “Not a lot of people want to do this – just us crazy peo-
                uses the natural resources around her to create items  ple!” she quipped.
                MARCH/APRIL 2019                                                                                 29

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