Page 40 - 2019 MAR/APR Outdoor Oklahoma
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                American avocets at Hackberry Flat WMA.
               Birders’ Paradise:

               Hackberry Flat WMA

                  Celebrating  its  20th  anniversary  in  2015,  Hackberry  make this area a paradise for birding.
                Flat Wildlife Management Area, near Frederick in south-  With the completion of the Hackberry Flat Center, this
                western Oklahoma, offers 7,120-acres of wildlife recre-  area offers wetland classroom experiences for school-
                ational opportunities.                            children; a meeting facility for workshops, programs and
                  The  Oklahoma  Department  of  Wildlife  Conservation,  presentations;  and  a  place  to  offer  skill  development
                along with many conservation-minded partners, restored  workshops such as waterfowl identification, bird identi-
                this legendary wetland, creating a vast mosaic of wetland  fication and hunter education classes.
                habitats for prairie waterfowl, shorebirds and other wet-  In recent years, several free public tours and activities
                land-dependent birds.                             have been offered at Hackberry Flat:
                  Upland areas of native sunflowers and cultivated fields   •  Duck, Goose and Hawks
                interspersed with mesquite have become one of the state’s   •  Chicken Hawks and Hoot Owls Program and Tour
                premier dove-hunting destinations.                  •  Prairie and Wetland Tour
                  Open for scheduled events, the modern Hackberry Flat   •  Bird Migration Tours
                Center offers interpretive guidance for wildlife enthusi-  •  Breeding Bird Tour
                asts, students and educators.                       •  Nature at Night Star Party
                  Hackberry Flat is a premier destination for bird-watch-  •  Wetland Tour
                ers. More than 225 species have been identified during   •  Monarch Watch
                surveys. From thousands of doves descending on a sun-  •  Winter Wonders
                flower field, to less common species such as the black-
                necked  stilt,  stilt  sandpiper  and  snowy  plover,  sheer   Go online to and search
                numbers of birds from eastern and western Oklahoma  “Hackberry Flat” to learn more.
                38                                                                                   OUTDOOR OKLAHOMA

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