Page 46 - 2019 MAR/APR Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 46

WILDLIFEDEPARTMENT.COM                              Balentine  would  actually  see  a  wild  turkey  for  his
                                                                    first time.
                                                                      “I was out deer hunting in a very remote area,” he said.
                                                                    He had gotten into the woods very early, before sunrise,
                                                                    and the woods were still pitch black. “Before light, some-
                                                                    thing really loud came out of the tree right over my head,
                                                                    and it about scared me to death!” Of course, he had man-
                                                                    aged to get himself under a roost tree. Later, the morning
                                                                    light revealed a small flock of wild turkeys in the clearing
                                                                    below him, and he figured out that he’d heard the sound
                                                                    of the birds flying off the roost.
                                                                      In 1960, Oklahoma held its first modern fall turkey
                                                                    season, and a spring season was first held in 1965. Most
                                                                    of the turkey hunting in those days was done west of
                                                                    Interstate 35, where most of the birds were found.
                                                                      It wasn’t until the late 1970s when huntable numbers
                                                                    of turkeys could be found in Balentine’s area. “No one
                                                                    really knew anything about how to turkey hunt. It was a
                                                                    totally new experience.” Around 1980, as Balentine hunt-
                Oklahoma’s first modern fall turkey                 ed squirrels along the Fourche Maline River bottom, he
                hunting season was in 1960, when about   occasionally would hear a gobbler. So he decided to try hunting for turkey.
                400 birds were harvested.
                                                    That year, he managed to call a gobbler while hiding behind a fallen
                                                  cedar tree in a ravine. It was his first successful turkey hunt. Since then, tur-
                “Before light,                    key hunting has become his favorite sport, and he’s barely missed hunting
                                                  a season since. In recent decades, he has pursued turkeys in several states
                something really                  each spring. And in 2014, Balentine was able to complete a grand slam,

                loud came out of                  harvesting the four subspecies of wild turkey found in North America all
                                                  in one year.
                the tree right over                 There have been many changes over the years. Balentine noted the shift to
                my head, and it                   the leasing of hunting lands, which he said takes away a lot of opportunity
                                                  for hunting with landowner permission and, therefore, possibly shrinking the
                about scared me                   number of people hunting. But he also noted the availability of public lands.
                                                    Guns and ammunition have evolved over the years. “What once was a
                to death!”                        25-yard sport is now a 50-yard sport.”

                Audrey Balentine’s 2014 Grand Slam
                                                                                                                    DON P. BROWN/ODWC

                Eastern wild turkey tail and cape.  Merriam’s wild turkey tail and cape.  Rio Grande wild turkey tail and cape.  Osceola wild turkey tail and cape.
                44                                                                               OUTDOOR OKLAHOMA

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