Page 47 - 2019 MAR/APR Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 47

Calls have gone from basic slates
                and boxes to high-tech “moisture                                                                    PROVIDED
                proof” mouth calls. Decoys came into
                vogue,  and  camo  clothing  can  now
                become virtually invisible against a
                wooded background. But he still likes
                to hunt turkey the old way, sitting
                with his back against a tree with his
                trusty shotgun and his favorite call.
                  In the 1970s and ‘80s, Balentine
                witnessed  the  restoration  of  deer
                and turkey populations across
                Oklahoma. Turkey trapping and
                transplanting became a great
                conservation success story as
                the Oklahoma Department of
                Wildlife Conservation and partner
                groups such as the National Wild Turkey Federation worked to build the   A successful hunt in 2001.
                resource. These days, biologists say there are more wild turkeys (and deer)
                in Oklahoma than at any time in modern history.
                  “In Oklahoma, the partnership between NWTF and the Oklahoma
                Wildlife Department has been a win-win situation.” He was president of the
                first NWTF chapter in southeastern Oklahoma, and then served 18 years as
                treasurer of the Le Flore County Longbeards chapter.
                  In his years, Balentine has seen turkey hunting grow from its infancy to
                a popular pastime. But he thinks the number of turkey hunters is on the
                way down these days. “It’s not because of the lack of game; we’ve got more
                now than we’ve ever had. The interest is just not there like it was when I was
                                                     a kid. And I don’t think it bodes
                PROVIDED                             well for our wildlife.          “The youngsters

                                                      “The youngsters are playing    are playing the
                                                     the electronic games, and they
                                                     are not getting the outdoor expe-  electronic games,
                                                     riences like I did. When I was a   and they are not
                                                     kid, we all hunted. The value of
                                                     that experience is immeasurable.   getting the outdoor
                                                     The experience is a lot more    experiences like I
                                                     wholesome than what you are
                                                     running across on the Internet.  did. When I was a
                                                      “I think you learn to appreci-
                                                     ate the things that God has put  kid, we all hunted.”

                                                     here for  us  to appreciate.  In  a
                                                     sense, you learn to appreciate
                                                     life, too. You learn to appreci-
                                                     ate what it’s all about, and you
                                                     learn to contemplate that.
                                                      “I feel like a lot of the values
                Aud Balentine with one of his most recent   I learned in life, I learned in
                harvests, a fine Eastern wild turkey gobbler from   the woods.”
                southeastern Oklahoma, in 2018.
                MARCH/APRIL 2019                                                                                 45

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