Page 49 - 2019 MAR/APR Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 49

Wildlife License Plates
                                                                                    Dress up your vehicle while showing
                                                                                    your support of our great state’s wildlife
                Habitat Donor Caps                                                  resources by getting a wildlife license
                                                                                    plate. Nine Wildlife Conservation Plates
                Top-quality, American-made caps                                     are available to serve as your regular, rear-
                display the Habitat Donor Patch of                                  bumper license plate. The plates cost just
                your choice, which designates you   Donate to the Wildlife          $38 (original or replacement) or $36.50
                as a contributor to the Department’s   Diversity Program            (renewals) above your regular annual
                Land Acquisition Fund. Wearing this                                 registration fee with proceeds going to
                hat means you care about future   Your tax-deductible donation to the Wildlife   Oklahoma’s Wildlife Diversity Program. For
                generations and the great hunting   Department’s Wildlife Diversity Program can   a free application form, check Item WD-13.
                and   shing tradition. Specify hat   help wildlife for years to come. Just indicate   The forms are also available at local tag
                style on order form.           the amount you wish to donate in the “subtotal”   agencies, or online at
                Item OS-6 — $18                column on the order form on this page.
                                                                                    Item WD-3 Application Form – FREE
                             Outdoor Store Mail-In Order Form

                 Item  Description                                     Price  Quantity Subtotal
                                                                      (Includes s/h)
                 OS-5  Habitat Donor Patches (check patch choices)
                       1986-Quail and Bass  1987-Deer  1988-Turkey  1989-Raccoon
                       1990-Wood Duck  1991-Squirrel  1992-Dove  1993-Elk
                       1994-Bass   1995-Quail  1996-Bobcat  1997-Crappie
                       1998-Canvasback  1999-Deer  2000-Brown Trout  2001-Antelope  $10 each
                       2002-Pheasant  2003-Wild Turkey  2004-Mallard Duck  2005-Striped Bass
                       2006-Scaled Quail  2007- Bobwhite Quail  2007- Rainbow Trout  2008-Canada Goose
                       2009-Mule Deer  2010-Paddlefish  2011-Northern Pintail  2012-Pronghorn Antelope
                       2013-White Bass  2014-Black Bear
                 OS-6  Habitat Donor Caps — check choice of color and design:  $18
                       Camo Bass   Camo Deer  Orange Bass  Orange Deer
                 OS-7  Current Waterfowl Hunting Stamp                  $10
                 OS-8  Oklahoma Wildlife Management Area Atlas          $25
                 OS-10 “Outdoor Oklahoma” Magazine  1-Year Subscription  $10
                                                   2-Year Subscription  $18
                                                   3-Year Subscription  $25
                 OS-11 Outdoor Oklahoma Caps (check style and size where applicable)
                       Lime/Mesh Back        One size fits all          $18
                       Pink/Mesh Back        One size fits all          $18
                       Weathered Olive Unstructured  One size fits all  $18
                       Weathered Navy Unstructured  One size fits all   $18
                       Orange Camo           One size fits all          $18
                       Camo/Mesh Back        One size fits all          $18
                       Olive/Mesh Back       One size fits all          $18
                 OS-13 Oklahoma Habitat Donor Decal
                                                                      $10 each
                       2015-Whitetail Buck    2016-Largemouth Bass
                 WD-13 Wildlife Conservation Plates Application Form    FREE   —
                      Your Donation to the Wildlife Diversity Program
                                                                    Total Amount Enclosed

                 Address                              Phone Number
                 City                                 State         Zip
                 All prices include postage and handling. Make checks payable to ODWC, fill out form, clip and mail to ODWC, P. O. Box 53465,
                 Oklahoma City, OK 73152. Please allow three to four weeks for delivery.

                 March/April 2018                                                                                47
                 To order WMA Atlas, magazine or waterfowl stamp securely with a credit card, go to,
                 “License Catalog,” “ODWC Merchandise.”
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