ODWC Fishing Guide Feed

Total: 53

FishGuide.xml can be accessed by clicking on the link. The file FishGuide.xml is built every time somebody accesses the address https://www.wildlifedepartment.com/rss_feed/Default.aspx. All future feeds will be located in the same folder. Please make note that the FishGuide.xml file will shrink with the New Year and expand as customers purchase a Fishing Guide License. The only people who end up in the list are the ones who selected yes when filling out their Fishing Guide Form. The FishGuide.xml file has four tags: item, BusinessName, PhoneNumber, and WatersGuided.

ODWC Rehabilitation Feed

Total: 96

Rehab.xml can be accessed by clicking on the link. The Rehab.xml has 6 tags: item, Name, CountyName, City, ContactPhone, RehabType.


Total: 27

Nuisance.xml can be accessed by clicking on the link. The Nuisance.xml has 6 tags: item, title, description, guid, comments, link.

ODWC Comm Hunt Area

Total: 58

CommHuntArea.xml can be accessed by clicking on the link. The CommHuntArea.xml has 7 tags: item, title, description, guid, comments, link, author.
ODWC Fishing Guide Feed