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Skiatook WMA

Skiatook WMA


Game Warden (County):

Area Acres
5,085 ac.
Area Non-Ambulatory Acres
6,888.49 ac.

Skiatook WMA covers 5,085 acres of Osage County in north central Oklahoma. Skiatook WMA is located on the upper ends of Skiatook Lake near the towns of Hominy and Skiatook.

Hominy Creek is the major drainage that supplies the lake. Most of the WMA is comprised of post oak-blackjack timber with openings in tall grass prairie species. While most of the bottomland hardwood timber was destroyed during reservoir construction, sizeable fragments still remain on the far upper ends of the major drainages. Water portions of the lake comprise approximately 1,800 acres of the WMA. Due to the rugged terrain and limited access points, much of the WMA is best accessed by boat.   

From Hominy: 6 miles east on State Hwy 20.

  • Deer: White-tailed deer are present in fair numbers but are highly sought after.
  • Dove: Dove are usually found in fair number during the annual migration and around manipulated fields.
  • Quail: Bobwhites are present in low numbers.
  • Rabbit: Cottontails are present in low numbers.
  • Squirrel: Fox squirrel are present in fair numbers.
  • Waterfowl: Ducks may be present in low numbers.  
  • Turkey: Rio Grande wild turkeys are present in low numbers.
  • Furbearers: Coyote, bobcat, raccoon, and beaver are available. 
  • Bald Eagle: Eagles are occasionally seen from November-March. 

Management efforts focus on producing native wildlife foods and cover through habitat protection. Food plots are found at limited locations on this area.  

Camping is allowed in designated camping areas. Primitive camping is also allowed within 100 yards of the confluence of Sand Creek and Hominy Creek (west side only). More modern campgrounds can be found on Skiatook Lake at the Corps of Engineers managed parks (918) 396-3170. Lodging and restaurants are available in the nearby town of Skiatook.

Abundant fishing opportunities exist on Skiatook Lake. Crappie, largemouth bass, spotted bass, channel catfish, and sand bass are the species most sought by WMA anglers. Excellent boat launch facilities can be found at Hominy Landing, Twin Points, and Bull Creek Peninsula Corps of Engineers parks. Striped bass hybrid fishing opportunities are found on the main body of the lake.

Same As Statewide Seasons
Deer Gun, Deer Archery, Youth Deer Gun, Holiday Antlerless Deer Gun, Deer Muzzleloader, Dove, Rail, Gallinule, Crow, Waterfowl, Turkey Fall Archery
Seasons w/ Special Restrictions
  • Quail, Snipe, Woodcock, Rabbit, Squirrel, Predator/Furbearer Calling, Pursuit with Hounds for Furbearers

Closed during the first nine days of deer gun season.

  • Turkey Fall Gun

Tom only, shotgun only.

  • Trapping

Open to water sets, live box traps and enclosed trigger traps only.

  • Turkey Spring, Youth Turkey Spring

One-tom limit; seasons combined.

Additional Restrictions:

Hunter and angler camping is allowed in designated areas.

Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department
Post Office Box 52002
Oklahoma City, OK 73152-2002
(800) 652-6552 or (405) 521-2409

Sand Springs Chamber of Commerce

Tulsa Convention and Visitors Bureau
Williams Center Tower II
Two West Second Street, Tulsa OK 74103

Q: Do I need a special permit to hunt on Skiatook WMA? 

A: No, all you need to possess in order to hunt on Skiatook WMA is a valid hunting license and the proper unfilled tags if required (unless otherwise exempt).   

Q: Can I hunt Skiatook WMA from a boat? 

A: Yes, you can hunt Skiatook WMA from a boat; however, camping is only allowed in designated camping areas on the WMA. Check the Skiatook WMA map for tent symbols to find the designated camping areas. 

Q: Can I hog hunt at Skiatook WMA? 

A: Yes, hogs may be taken on Skiatook WMA during any established hunting season with methods authorized by the Department for that hunting season, except that during any open deer and/ or turkey season, only appropriate methods, hunting hours and legal equipment for that deer and/or turkey season are authorized for taking or pursuing feral hogs. No feral hogs may be removed alive from a WMA. 

Pursuit of hogs with hounds is prohibited during the deer and turkey seasons on department managed lands. Pursuit of hogs at night is prohibited from Oct. 1 - Jan. 15 and during any spring turkey season. Pursuit of hogs at night during any other time of the year has the following restrictions: Use of a firearm is prohibited. In addition, persons pursuing hogs must comply with all other WMA regulations. 

Resident & Nonresident License Requirements: All persons pursuing hogs must possess a hunting license, unless otherwise exempt. In addition, persons pursuing hogs on WMAs open during youth deer gun, bear muzzleloader (in open counties), deer muzzleloader, deer gun, Holiday Antlerless Deer Gun (in open zones), elk gun (in open counties) and antelope gun (in open areas) seasons with a shotgun and rifled slug, or any rifle or handgun larger than .22 caliber rimfire, must possess either a filled or unfilled license appropriate for the current season, unless otherwise exempt. 

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