Page 102 - 2020 - 2021 Oklahoma Hunting & Fishing Regulations
P. 102

                                   USDA Forest Service Regulations

                                       “Caring for the land, serving people.”

                               Ouachita National Forest                   KNOW BEFORE YOU
                                                                          Remember, many parts of the Ouachita
                                                                             National Forest are very remote.
                                                                          Cell phones do not work in many areas
        In addition to state and federal game and  sh  COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY:         of the Forest.
        laws, the following regulations apply to   Anyone providing commercial out tting   Take along adequate food, water and
        USDA National Forest lands:      or guiding services on National Forest     rst aid supplies.
                                         lands must have a permit. This includes   Be weather aware and watch for
        CAMPING:                         all businesses providing services on   changing weather conditions during
            •  Some developed campgrounds require a   National Forest System lands. Contact   your visit.
        fee. Developed campsites may be occupied   the nearest district ranger o ce or visit   Medical assistance may not be readily
        for no more than 14 consecutive days. Cedar for more   available during emergencies.
        Lake Recreation Area is equipped with    information.             For controlled burn information or to
        electric hookups and can be reserved at                            receive information about controlled              IT IS ILLEGAL TO:                   burns on USFS lands, please call
            •  Undeveloped campsites are  rst-come/       •  Damage or remove any natural   (501) 321-5232.
         rst-served and cannot be reserved. Undevel-  feature or other property of the U.S.
        oped campsites may be occupied for no more  government without permit or
        than 30 consecutive days.        contract. The possession or use of     Ouachita National Forest
            •  Camping or operating/parking motorized  metal detectors within a prehistoric,                        Supervisor’s O ce
        vehicles is not allowed in wildlife openings or  historic or archaeological site is
        food plots.                      prohibited.                               100 Reserve Street
            •  Leaving a camp re unattended or       •  Construct roads or structures   Hot Springs, AR
        allowing it to escape is prohibited.  (including tree stands). Portable tree    71901
                                         stands must be removed by season’s         (501) 321-5202
        VEHICLES:                        end. Note: The Ouachita National
        The Ouachita National Forest has a designat-  Forest requires tree stands to be
        ed system of roads and trails for public motor  moved every 14 days.  Hochatown O ce      Hodgen O ce
        vehicle use. Operating any motorized vehicle       •  Bait game species.  111 S. State Hwy 259a  52175 US Hwy 59
        on a road posted as closed, closed by an       •  Discharge a  rearm or other   Broken Bow, OK 74728  Hodgen, OK 74939
        earthen mound, gate or other object, or not   implement capable of taking human   (580) 494-6402  (918) 653-2991
        designated for motorized vehicle use on   life on or across a Forest Service road
        o cial Forest Service maps is prohibited.   or within 150 yards of a campsite,
        Maps of designated routes are available at   residence or occupied area. You may also       •  Violate any state tra c law on any
        download Motor Vehicle Use Maps on the   National Forest road, state highway or
        Avenza app!                      county road crossing National Forest
        FIREWOOD:                            •  Interfere with the use of a road,
        Gathering  rewood that is dead and down   trail or gate. This includes placing a
        for camp use is allowed. Any other type of   campsite, vehicle or other structure in
         rewood collection is not allowed. Do not   front of a gate or open road.
        transport  rewood onto National Forest       •  Abandon personal property or litter
        lands! Help stop the spread of invasive insect   (including dumping sewage).
        species...use local sources for  rewood.      •  Possess an alcoholic beverage. This
                                         includes an open container of alcohol in     @ouachitanf
                                         a motor vehicle, or while in the act of
                                         hunting.                                     Coming soon!

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