Page 61 - 2020 - 2021 Oklahoma Hunting & Fishing Regulations
P. 61

For requirements on hunter orange, legal means of taking, public lands, shooting hours, carcass disposal, more than one method
        of take in the field, tracking with dogs, field tagging and checking requirements, see Big Game Regulations on pages 52 & 53.

                                             Y & M
                  R - A
        Combined Season Limit               The head must remain attached to the carcass  •  License Purchasing Deadlines: Bear licens-
          One: either sex. This includes bear archery  until the bear is checked. Bear carcasses may   es for the archery season must be purchased
        and bear muzzleloader seasons.    be checked-in quartered, with or without skin,   prior to Oct. 1. No bear licenses will be sold
                                          but sex organs must remain naturally attached   after Sept. 30 for the archery season. An un-
        Prohibited Activities             until checked by a Department employee.  filled bear license from the archery season
          No baiting is allowed on wildlife manage-                           is valid for muzzleloader season.
        ment areas. Shooting of cubs or females with  Muzzleloader Bear Quota   Bear licenses for the muzzleloader season
        cubs is prohibited. No den shooting of bears.   The Wildlife Department has set the 2020   must be purchased prior to Oct. 24. No bear
                                                                              licenses will be sold after Oct. 23 for the muz-
        Pursuing bears with dogs is prohibited. Shoot-  muzzleloader harvest quota at 20 bears. The muz-  zleloader season.
        ing collared bears is prohibited.  zleloader season will be open until 20 bears have
                                          been harvested or the season ends. Hunters must
        Field Tagging & Checking          check via telephone whether the quota has been  Season Dates &
          Upon harvesting a bear, all hunters must im-  reached before going hunting each day. Once the   Open Areas
        mediately attach their name and customer ID   quota has been reached, the season will close.  •  Archery:  Oct. 1-18; Only in Choctaw,
        number securely to the carcass.                                       Haskell, Latimer, Le Flore, McCurtain and
          The attached item can be anything, as long   To check the status of the harvest quota:  Pushmataha counties; and that portion of
        as it contains the required information. This   Call (888) 901-3256   McIntosh, Muskogee and Sequoyah coun-
        information must remain attached to the carcass                       ties south of Interstate 40; and that portion
        until it is checked.              License Requirements                of Atoka, Bryan, McIntosh and Pittsburg
          Upon harvesting a bear, all hunters must call   Lifetime License holders are not exempt   counties east of U.S. Highway 69. There is
        Jeff Ford, Sr. Wildlife Biologist, at (918) 527-9918;  from the purchase of a bear license.  no harvest quota for bear archery season.
        or Matt Hensley, Wildlife Technician, at (918)                       •  Muzzleloader: Oct. 24 - Nov. 1 (unless quota
        260-3920; or Tres Phipps, Wildlife Technician  •  Residents: Must possess a hunting license   is met earlier). Only in Choctaw, Haskell,
        at (918) 527-9921.                  (see page 44) or proof of exemption. In ad-  Latimer, Le Flore, McCurtain and Pushma-
          The carcass must be checked in by the hunter   dition, resident bear hunters must possess   taha counties; and that portion of McIntosh,
        who harvested the bear. After the carcass is   a bear license.        Muskogee and Sequoyah counties south of
        checked, a carcass tag will be issued, which  •  Nonresidents: Nonresident bear hunters are   Interstate 40; and that portion of Atoka, Bryan,
        must remain with the carcass to its final des-  exempt from a hunting license while hunt-  McIntosh and Pittsburg counties east of U.S.
        tination or through processing and/or storage   ing bear but must possess a nonresident bear   Highway 69.
        at commercial processing or storage facilities.  license.
        MO       U  N   T  A   I N   L  I ON
          There is no season on mountain lions. How-  The carcass (including hide) must be pre-
        ever, mountain lions can be taken year-round  sented to a Department employee within 24
        when committing or about to commit depre-  hours for biological data collection, which may
        dation on any domesticated animal or when  include the removal of a tooth.
        deemed an immediate safety hazard.
          Individuals who kill a mountain lion must
        immediately call a game warden (see Game
        Warden Directory on pages 2-3) or other De-
        partment employee.

                                                                              Making Hunting & Fishing Dreams Come True
                                                                                    for YoungsTers, 21 & unDer, with
                                                                     USFWS           LiFe-THreaTening iLLnesses
                                                                                     Toll Free: 866-345-4455
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