Page 75 - 2020 - 2021 Oklahoma Hunting & Fishing Regulations
P. 75

jawed, double-spring offset jawed, foot-hold   Sale of Carcasses   the official method used by the issuing agency.
          steel traps with a jaw spread no greater than   Skinned carcasses or parts of legally ac-  If an identification is not required by the issuing
          eight inches; enclosed trigger traps (dog-proof   quired furbearing animals and coyotes (ex-  agency, a hunting or trapping license appropri-
          traps). Any trap not listed here is illegal.  cluding the hide/pelt/fur) may be purchased,   ate to the species taken is required as proof.
        •  Setting traps: No trap may be set in the open   bartered, traded, sold or offered for sale.
          or in paths, roads, or runways commonly used                       Tagging Hints
          by persons, dogs or other domestic animals.                         All bobcats and otters are usually tagged
        •  Visiting traps: Traps must be tended once   Buying/Selling of Furs  with a plastic tag looped under the skin from
          each 24-hour period.              Persons buying fur in Oklahoma must pos-  the eye to the mouth. If you choose to freeze
        •  Legal number of traps: Residents trapping   sess a current Fur Dealers License. Rules and   your bobcat or otter whole prior to tagging, it
          under the general annual resident trapping   regulations for purchasing fur in Oklahoma   is best to open a 1/2-inch wide slot under the
          license may use no more than 20 traps. Resi-  can be given upon request from the Furbearer   skin from the eye to the gum line with a knife
          dents possessing a lifetime hunting license or   Biologist. Persons taking pelts during the sea-  or sharp screwdriver and install some sort of
          a professional trapping license, and nonresi-  son shall have 10 working days after the close   spacer that can be removed later to allow tag-
          dent trapping license holders have no limit   of the season to sell or dispose of the pelts or   ging once the bobcat or otter is frozen. Taking
          on the number of traps.         notify the Department in writing of intent to   these few simple steps will allow the spacer to
        •  Identification of traps: All traps shall bear the   hold pelts after the 10-day deadline. All pelts   be removed and the tag attached in the proper
          name of the owner of the traps, except for any   held after the 10-day deadline must be inven-  location without having to thaw the bobcat or
          traps set on property owned or leased by the   toried on a form provided by an authorized   otter. Otherwise, partially thaw the carcass
          owner of the traps. All traps on Department-  Department employee. All bobcats and river   before taking it to be tagged.
          managed lands, regardless of species being   otters must have a permanent tag affixed for the
          sought, must have the owner’s name attached.  current year, prior to being held for later sale.
        •  Posting  of  traps:  When  smooth-jawed                           Exemptions from
          doublespring offset traps are used, the posting   Possession of Carcasses  Regulations
          of signs shall be required at all entrances from                    Nothing in this regulation prevents the kill-
          public roads and highways. The requirement   or Hides              ing of furbearers actually found destroying
          to post signs shall not apply if the person is   It shall be illegal to possess live animals,   livestock or poultry. In addition, nothing in
          trapping on property owned or leased by the   carcasses or raw furs of ringtail, spotted skunk   this regulation prevents the running or chasing
          person. Signs must have minimum dimensions   or swift fox unless it can be proven that each   of coyote, bobcat, fox or raccoon with dogs for
          of five inches by eight inches and the wording   carcass or hide was taken legally outside of   sport only, except on those public lands where
          “Traps” must be included and be conspicu-  Oklahoma. Proof of legality or origin for car-  such activity is prohibited. Bobcats and foxes
          ous on the signs and printed in letters at least   casses or green hides shall be a tag or other   taken with this exemption cannot be removed
          two inches tall. Persons trapping on their own   marking or device attached to or imprinted on   from the property. Only furbearers taken with-
          property are not subject to this requirement.  each and every hide in such a way that it cannot   in season and with a fur license may be sold or
        •  Permission to trap: No person may trap on   be removed intact. The tag or marking must be   removed from property.
          the inhabited land of another without first
          obtaining from the owner or occupant there-
          of a written permit to do so. This permit
          must be carried whenever traps are being
          tended. Said permission is also required to
          hunt but it need not be in writing.
        Public Lands
          Seasons on public lands may vary from state-
        wide seasons. Consult public hunting lands
        special regulations on page 81.
        Hunter Orange
          For hunter orange requirements, see page 52.
        Bobcat & River Otter
        Tagging Requirements
          No bobcat or river otter pelt may be held in
        possession after 10 working days after the close
        of furbearer season by the taker or buyer, sold,
        purchased or bartered within Oklahoma, nor
        taken out of Oklahoma, without having first af-
        fixed a permanent tag to the pelt. This tag shall
        serve as an export tag. The tag must be affixed
        by an authorized employee of the Department
        or designated private tagging agent. It is the
        responsibility of the possessor of the bobcat or
        river otter pelt, not the Department, to ensure
        that the pelt is legally tagged. No untagged
        bobcat or river otter harvested in another state
        may be possessed in Oklahoma. Tags are avail-
        able from any game warden, wildlife biologist,
        state fish hatchery, Department field office and
        specifically designated private tagging station.
          Designated private tagging stations may
        charge a fee of 75 cents per tag. Bobcat or river ot-
        ter export tags will not be affixed after March 14.

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