Page 45 - 2021 2022 Oklahoma Fishing & Hunting Regulations
P. 45

Fishing Regulations

        Method of Take
          Fishing is restricted to no more than three
        (3) rods or poles per person, with no more than
        three (3) hooks per line. No other fishing meth-
        ods are allowed. Cast netting is prohibited.
          Swimming is prohibited on walk-in fishing
        areas (annual and seasonal access) only, not
        stream access areas.
          Allowed on annual walk-in fishing areas
        year-round. Allowed on seasonal walk-in fish-
        ing areas May 7 - Aug. 31 only. Access is re-
        stricted to fishing areas and access corridors
        as specified in the OLAP map directory and/
        or on signs posted at the OLAP walk-in area.
        Unauthorized access to restricted areas of the
        property may be considered trespassing.
        Motorized Boats
          Prohibited. Motorized boats are defined as
        any gas powered vessel. Battery operated ves-                                                         Jeff Tibbits
        sels are allowed.
        Kayaks, Canoes, Fishing Tubes &
        Non-Motorized Vessels
          Allowed. Must be carried to water's edge  one or both banks, and the boundaries are deline-  Stream corridors will be delineated in OLAP
        without the aid of a motorized vehicle.  ated by signage and/or the OLAP map directory.  map directory and/or signs posted at OLAP
                                            Activities unrelated to accessing a stream,  stream access areas.
        Stream Access Areas               fishing, swimming and/or launching/retriev-
          Stream access areas means stream corridors  ing boats are prohibited.  For more information on OLAP properties
        enrolled in the OLAP.               Sportspersons must remain within the des-  visit or down-
          Stream corridor means a length of a stream  ignated stream corridor or access area when  load the OLAP app for your mobile device.
        enrolled in the OLAP. These areas may include  accessing OLAP stream access areas.

        The following are OLAP Walk-in Fishing Area signs.

        Walk-In Fishing Area –            Walk-In Fishing Area –            Walk-In Stream Area –
        Annual Access                     Seasonal Access                   Annual Access
        •  Hunting is prohibited.         May 7 - Aug. 31                   •  Hunting is prohibited, unless concurrently
        •  Catch and release only.        •  Hunting is prohibited.           enrolled as a walk-in hunting area.
        •  Limit of 3 rods per person, 3 hooks per line.  •  Catch and release only.  •  If on foot or wading, sportspersons must
        •  No Swimming.                   •  Limit of 3 rods per person, 3 hooks per line.  remain within stream corridor or access.
                                          •  No Swimming.                   •  Activities unrelated to accessing a stream,
                                                                              fishing, swimming and/or launching/re-
                                                                              trieving boats are prohibited.

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