Page 56 - 2022/2023 Oklahoma Fishing & Hunting Regulations
P. 56

          D E P AR TM E N T - M A N A G E D  AR E A  R U L E S

          See specific WMA regulations in the Public  designated by signs posted. The act of hunting  regardless of species being sought, must have
        Hunting Lands: Special Area Regulations for  within the boundaries of any area so marked is  the owner’s name attached. Posting of traps is
        other restrictions that may apply.  prohibited. Retrieval of hunting dogs or downed  required; see page 50.
                                          wildlife is allowed, without any means of take.
        Hunting Equipment on Wildlife                                        Under 16 Years of Age
        Management Areas                  Shed Antler Collection              Any person under 14 years of age must be
          It shall be unlawful to place any equipment,   It is legal to collect and remove shed antlers  immediately supervised by an adult while
        including but not limited to tree stands, ground  from Department-managed areas. Antlers must  afield. Minors 14-16 years old must be imme-
        blinds, or game cameras on Department-man-  be naturally detached from the skull plate.  diately supervised by an adult, unless they
        aged lands, without permanently affixing the                         possess hunter safety certification.
        owner’s Department issued customer identi-  Shooting Ranges
        fication number or lifetime license number to   The Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Con- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Lands
        the equipment in a conspicuous manner. All  servation is in the initial stages of refurbishing   Corps lands open to hunting but not licensed
        equipment not properly identified will become  a number of the shooting ranges on wildlife  to the Department are open during the same
        the property of the Oklahoma Department of  management areas across the state. Detailed  dates and under the same regulations as De-
        Wildlife Conservation and be disposed of in  rules will be posted at each range or for more  partment-managed lands at the respective pro-
        the best practical manner.        information contact the wildlife biologist at  jects, unless otherwise provided. Other Corps
                                          that area.                         lands not normally open to hunting may be
        Language or Disorderly Assemblage   On all wildlife management areas the  open with certain restrictions. Contact the re-
          No person shall use threatening, abusive, or  discharge  of  firearms  for purposes  other  spective Corps lake office or the Tulsa District
        indecent language, participate in a disorderly  than hunting is restricted to specific target  Office at (918) 669-7370 for information.
        assemblage, nor publicly appear nude or in-  or shooting ranges provided for public use.
        toxicated on any Department-managed lands.  Target shooting is not allowed on areas where  Vehicles
                                          shooting ranges are not provided. Exemptions   Only those vehicles registered as legal to
        License Requirements              may only be granted by the Director of the De-  operate on Oklahoma public roadways may
          All persons carrying a firearm or archery  partment upon prior submission of a written  be used or parked on Department-managed
        equipment on Department-managed lands  application setting forth the location, date, na-  lands, except on specified areas designated
        must possess a hunting license (see page 4).  ture, and purpose of such activity.  for off-road use, unless otherwise provided
                                            All persons using shooting ranges must pos-  for non-ambulatory persons holding valid
        Littering                         sess a valid Oklahoma hunting or combination  permits. All vehicles used by non-ambulatory
          Disposal of garbage, trash, refuse, litter, sew-  license, unless otherwise exempt.  permittees must conspicuously display a sticker
        age, debris or any other form of solid waste                         designating the vehicle is being used by a non-
        is prohibited, except in designated trash con-  Spotlighting         ambulatory permittee and motor vehicle hunt
        tainers.                            No person may take, catch, capture, kill or  permittees must conspicuously display a sticker
                                          pursue wildlife or otherwise attempt to use for  designating the vehicle is being used by a mo-
        Livestock                         any purpose a vehicle-mounted spotlight or  tor vehicle hunt permittee. These permits may
          It is unlawful for any person to willfully  other powerful light at night for any purpose  be obtained from the License Section of the
        or neglectfully allow unauthorized livestock  on Department-managed lands, except as oth-  Department.
        to encroach upon any Department-managed  erwise provided for hunting of furbearers and   Except as otherwise provided, use of All
        lands. Authorized livestock for grazing pur-  predators, taking of frogs, or for navigational  Terrain Vehicles (ATV), Off-Highway Vehicles
        poses may be present on Department-managed  purposes while in a water conveyance.  (OHV), Off Road Vehicles (ORV), Utility Vehi-
        lands during open hunting seasons.                                   cles (UTV), and off-road motorcycles, is prohib-
                                          Theft or Vandalism of State Property  ited on all roads on lands owned or managed by
        Non-Ambulatory & Motor              It shall be unlawful for any person to shoot  the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife except
        Vehicle Permittees                at, deface, damage, destroy, remove or steal all  those roads maintained by county commis-
          Off-road use of a vehicle on public lands is  or any part of any buildings, granaries, resi-  sioners. Travel on roads which are gated and
        prohibited except for non-ambulatory permit-  dence, privies or other physical structures, any  locked, closed by earthen mound or designated
        tees on designated areas open to non-ambula-  equipment or machinery, fences or fencing ma-  as closed is prohibited, unless otherwise speci-
        tory permittees and area roads designated as  terials, cattleguards, gates, signs, or any other  fied in annual regulations for non-ambulatory
        open to non-ambulatory permittees and motor  state property on Department-managed lands.  persons holding valid permits.
        vehicle hunt permittees. These permits are for   It shall be unlawful to cut, dig, damage or   For definition purposes on both the Hono-
        transportation only (no shooting from vehicles  remove any crops, trees, shrubs, timber (includ-  bia Creek and Three Rivers WMAs, a “main-
        or roadways).                     ing dead standing trees), water, gravel, sand,  tained road” open for vehicle and ATV use
          Non-ambulatory permittees may ride an Off-  earth, rocks, minerals or other natural resourc-  is any permanent road not gated and locked
        Road Vehicle/All-Terrain Vehicle from parking  es other than legally harvested fish and wild-  or closed with an earthen mound. Addition-
        area or campsite to designated non-ambulatory  life from Department-managed lands without  ally, a “maintained road” will be constructed
        areas. Firearms must be unloaded and/or cased  prior written approval from the Department.  with man-made ditches on one or both sides
        while on roads. Use on county or state roads  Removal of such resources from National Forest  of the road to control rainwater runoff, and
        must comply with Title 47 requirements.  lands is subject to the regulations of the U.S.  will not have vegetation present on the road
          Non-ambulatory permittees may carry fire-  Forest Service.         that would impede easy travel by a two-wheel
        arms with ammunition in the magazine only   It shall be unlawful to cut any living trees,  drive automobile.
        while upland game hunting from an ATV and  shrubs, or other woody vegetation for use as   Maximum speed limit is 25 mph unless oth-
        while on designated non-ambulatory areas.   camouflage, blinds, stands or firewood. Fallen  erwise posted.
          Off-road travel by non-ambulatory permit-  dead trees may be so used, but shall not be   It is unlawful for any person to hunt, chase,
        tees with ORV/ATV is permitted in designated  removed for use off the Department-managed  capture, shoot, attempt to shoot, wound or kill
        areas only. ORV/ATV vehicles will be restricted  lands.              any wildlife from a motor-driven vehicle on
        to utility type vehicles weighing less than 1,250   It shall be unlawful to remove any historical,  Department-managed areas, except as pro-
        pounds.                           cultural or archaeological artifacts (including  vided for persons holding a non-ambulatory
                                          arrowheads) from Department-managed lands.  or motor vehicle permit.
        Safety Zones
          Any areas displaying signs with the words,  Trapping
        “Safety Zone” have restricted access and use as   All traps on Department-managed lands,

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