Page 66 - 2022/2023 Oklahoma Fishing & Hunting Regulations
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                S P EC I A L  A R E A  R EG U L A T I O N S
        SEASONS W/ SPECIAL        Game Warden: (918) 429-3123,   ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS  •  Trapping: Open to water sets,
        RESTRICTIONS              (918) 429-3122, (918) 625-5085,   The discharge of firearms for   live box traps and enclosed
        •  Youth Deer Gun, Deer Muzzle-  (918) 625-4873, (918) 625-4691,   purposes other than hunting is   trigger traps only.
          loader, Deer Gun, Holiday Ant-  (918) 431-2544, (918) 431-2550,   prohibited.  •  Turkey Spring, Youth Turkey
          lerless Deer Gun: Archery equip-  (918) 625-5796  Public access is prohibited from   Spring: One-tom limit; seasons
          ment only. Archery equipment can   All shotgun hunting is restricted to   Oct. 15 - Jan. 31, unless otherwise   combined.
          be used to fill a youth deer, deer   federally approved nontoxic shot on   provided.  ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS
          muzzleloader, deer gun or holiday   both Billy Creek and Chouteau WDU   No camping allowed.  Closed to all nonhunting activities,
          antlerless deer gun license.  portions.                                    except hunter camping, from Oct. 1
        •  Turkey Spring, Youth Turkey   CLOSED SEASONS    McCurtain County          - Jan. 31 and during spring turkey
          Spring: One-tom limit; seasons   Bear Archery, Bear Muzzleloader  Wilderness Area   season.
          combined.               SAME AS STATEWIDE SEASONS  McCurtain County        Camping is allowed in designated
        ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS   Deer Archery, Youth Deer Gun, Deer   Area Contact: (580) 298-7152  areas.
        No camping allowed.       Muzzleloader, Deer Gun, Holiday
                                  Antlerless Deer Gun, Dove, Rail,   Game Warden: (580) 513-6866,   Mountain Park WMA
        Major County WMA          Gallinule, Crow, Turkey Fall Archery,   (580) 513-4963, (580) 513-4651  Kiowa County
        Major County              Turkey Fall Gun, Trapping, Turkey   HUNTING RESTRICTIONS
                                  Spring, Youth Turkey Spring  All hunting seasons are closed   Area Contact: (580) 595-0347
        Area Contact: (580) 541-5319                       except controlled deer and turkey   Game Warden: (580) 450-7703
        Game Warden: (580) 227-0393  SEASONS W/ SPECIAL    hunts.                    All shotgun hunting is restricted to
        CLOSED SEASONS            •  Quail, Snipe, Woodcock,   ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS  federally approved nontoxic shot on
        Holiday Antlerless Deer Gun, Rail,   Rabbit, Squirrel, Pursuit   The self-guided nature trail is open   the WDU portion.
        Gallinule, Pheasant         with hounds for Furbearers,   year-round.        CLOSED SEASONS
        SAME AS STATEWIDE SEASONS   Predator/ Furbearer Calling:   No public entry, except by persons   Deer Gun, Youth Deer Gun, Holiday
        Youth Deer Gun, Dove, Waterfowl,   Closed during the first nine days   possessing prior written permission   Antlerless Deer Gun, Turkey Fall Gun
        Crane, Turkey Fall Gun, Turkey Fall   of deer gun season.  from the Director of the Department   SAME AS STATEWIDE SEASONS
        Archery, Deer Archery     •  Waterfowl: Hunting hours for   or his designated representatives;   Deer Archery, Deer Muzzleloader,
        SEASONS W/ SPECIAL          waterfowl close at 1 p.m. daily   Department employees; or by the   Dove, Rail, Gallinule, Crow, Snipe,
        RESTRICTIONS                on the WDU portions.   Oklahoma Board of Agriculture,   Woodcock, Rabbit, Squirrel, Turkey
        •  Crow, Snipe, Woodcock,   ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS  Division of Forestry personnel   Fall Archery, Crane
                                                           engaged in fire protection or
          Rabbit, Squirrel: Closed during   Vann’s Lake Refuge is closed to          SEASONS W/ SPECIAL
          the first nine days of deer gun   public access except for controlled   suppression activities.  RESTRICTIONS
          season.                 hunt permittees on the days of   No camping allowed, except by   •  Quail: Closed during the first
        •  Deer Muzzleloader: Closed to   their hunt. Public access for wildlife   permit.  nine days of deer gun season.
          antlerless hunting.     viewing is allowed from Old Highway   McGee Creek WMA  Closed to non-resident hunting
                                  69 road and bridge as signed. Lands
        •  Deer Gun: Open during the   east of Old Highway 69 are open   Atoka County  February 1-15.
          first nine days only. Closed to   to fishing and nonhunting use from       •  Pursuit with hounds for Fur-
          antlerless hunting.     Feb. 1 - Oct. 14. Lands west of new   Area Contact: (580) 320-3173  bearers, Predator/ Furbearer
        •  Quail: Closed during the first   U.S. 69 are open for hunting, fishing   Game Warden: (580) 513-4823,   Calling: Closed during the first
          nine days of deer gun season.   and public use from Feb. 1 - Oct. 14.  (580) 513-0081  nine days of deer gun season.
          Closed to non-resident hunters   The discharge of firearms for purposes   Area closed to all activities for   •  Waterfowl: Hunting hours for
          February 1-15. Hunting hours   other than hunting is prohibited.  controlled deer hunts Oct. 21-23   waterfowl close at 1 p.m. daily
          close at 4:30 p.m. daily.                        and Nov. 18-20, 2022.       on the WDU portion.
        •  Pursuit with hounds for   No camping allowed.   CLOSED SEASONS            •  Trapping: Open to water sets,
          Furbearers, Predator/   McClellan-Kerr WRP       Deer Gun, Deer Muzzleloader, Bear   live box traps and enclosed
          Furbearer Calling: Closed   Muskogee County      Muzzleloader, Youth Deer Gun,   trigger traps only through Jan 31.
          during deer gun season.                          Holiday Antlerless Deer Gun, Turkey   Open same as statewide Feb 1
        •  Trapping: Open to water sets,   Area Contact: (918) 625-3910  Fall Gun      through end of February.
          live box traps and enclosed   Game Warden: (918) 625-4873,   SAME AS STATEWIDE SEASONS  •  Turkey Spring, Youth Turkey
          trigger traps only through Jan 31.   (918) 625-4691  Dove, Bear Archery, Turkey Fall   Spring: One-tom limit; seasons
          Open same as statewide Feb 1   All shotgun hunting is restricted to   Archery, Deer Archery  combined. Hunting hours close
          through end of February.  federally approved nontoxic shot.  SEASONS W/ SPECIAL   at 7:00 p.m. daily.
        No camping allowed.       Deer Gun, Deer Muzzleloader, Youth   •  Quail: Closed during the first   Hunter and angler camping is
        McAlester AAP             Deer Gun, Holiday Antlerless Deer   nine days of deer gun season.  allowed in designated areas.
                                  Gun, Turkey Fall Gun, Bear Archery,
                                                                                     Closed to all air-driven watercraft on
        Pittsburg County          Bear Muzzleloader.       •  Rail, Gallinule, Crow, Snipe,   WDU portion.
                                                             Woodcock, Waterfowl, Rabbit,
        Area Contact: (918) 470-6296  SAME AS STATEWIDE SEASONS  Squirrel: Closed from the   Nanih Waiya PFA
        Game Warden: (918) 429-3908,   Spring Turkey, Youth Spring Turkey  opening day of deer archery   Pushmataha County
        (918) 470-5097            SEASONS W/ SPECIAL         season through the first nine
        HUNTING RESTRICTIONS      RESTRICTIONS               days of deer gun season.  Area Contact: (580) 271-0808
        All hunting seasons are closed except  •  Deer Archery, Dove, Rail,   •  Pursuit with hounds for   CLOSED SEASONS
        controlled deer and turkey hunts.  Gallinule, Crow, Quail, Snipe,   Furbearers, Predator/  Bear Muzzleloader, Turkey Fall Gun,
                                    Woodcock, Waterfowl,     Furbearer Calling: Closed from   Trapping
        McClellan-Kerr WMA          Rabbit, Squirrel, Turkey Fall   the opening day of deer archery   HUNTING RESTRICTIONS
        Haskell, Muskogee, Sequoyah and   Archery, Pursuit with hounds   season through the first nine days   Open only from Sept. 1 through the
        Wagoner Counties            for Furbearers, Predator/  of deer gun season and closed   end of spring turkey season each
                                    Furbearer Calling, Trapping:   during spring turkey season.
        Area Contact: (918) 625-3910,   Closed Oct. 15 - Jan. 31.                    year. Deer hunting restricted to
        (918) 316-2281                                                               shotgun or archery only.
           In addition to general hunting regulations, statewide species regulations and Department-managed area rules, this section addresses
           special regulations that apply to public hunting lands. If a species or season is not listed, refer to statewide seasons and regulations.
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