Page 16 - Outdoor Oklahoma Magazine Mar-Apr2023
P. 16


          Centrarchids are exclusive to North America and widely distributed statewide along the shallows of Oklahoma rivers, lakes, and ponds.

                                               DUANE RAVER

          LARGEMOUTH BASS  Micropterus salmoides             GREEN SUNFISH  Lepomis cyanellus    DUANE RAVER
            Found throughout the state in ponds, lakes, rivers and streams.   Green sunfish are found statewide. They have a large mouth
          Both state and federal hatcheries stock most Oklahoma waters   and light green wavy lines on the side of their head. Bluegill, red-
          with these powerful fighters. The Florida subspecies of largemouth   ear, and green sunfish are the most common fish in Oklahoma.
          bass have been stocked in many reservoirs and will interbreed with   Because of its large mouth and voracious appetite, it can often
          native largemouth bass. These hybrids grow rapidly and produce   be caught on lures intended for largemouth bass. Sunfish are the
          trophy-size fish. It is the most-sought-after game fish in Oklahoma.  perfect choice for introducing a youngster to the sport of fish-
                                                             ing. May and June are top months to fish for spawning sunfish.
          Oklahoma State Record: 14 pounds, 13.7 ounces.     Although sunfish will feed throughout the day, peak activity often
                                                             occurs early in the morning and later in the evening. They prefer
                                                             small streams and ponds and can survive in habitats too small or
                                                             temporary to support most other sunfish.

                                                             Oklahoma State Record: 2 pounds, 7 ounces.

                                                DUANE RAVER

          SMALLMOUTH BASS  Micropterus dolomieu
            Smallmouth bass occurs naturally in many eastern Oklahoma Ozark
          and Ouachita streams and tributaries. Fishable lake populations
          exist in Grand, Tenkiller, Murray, Eufaula, Texoma, and Broken Bow.                      DUANE RAVER
          Smallmouth inhabits clear, gravel-bottom-streams in Oklahoma. The
          best areas to fish for smallmouth within streams are in riffles, pools,
          and the shallows above rapids. In manmade impoundments, small-
          mouth seeks clear, clean water usually with a rocky substrate.
                                                             LONGEAR SUNFISH  Lepomis megalotis
          Oklahoma State Record: 8 pounds, 7 ounces.           Longear sunfish are known to everyone for their relatively small stat-
                                                             ure and abundant numbers. But they more than make up for their lack
                                                             of size with their ferocity and willingness to bite a variety of baits or
                                                             lures. They are brilliantly colored in various hues of red, orange, yellow,
                                                             blue and green. Named for their elongated gill cover that is typically
                                                             bordered in white, this and other types of sunfish are well known to
                                                             most young anglers as being the first “perch” ever caught on a cane
                                                 ???         pole with a dangling worm for bait Also dubbed “pan fish,” “goggle
                                                             eye” and “bream,” the name “perch” is inaptly applied to sunfishes.

          SPOTTED BASS  Micropterus punctulatus
            Common in both the Arkansas and Red river systems, spotted
          bass prefer clear lakes and streams in eastern Oklahoma. Spotted
          bass have not been widely  cultured  or stocked.  The eyes are
          sometimes red. They are also known as Kentuckies or redeye bass.
          Spotted bass are usually caught much deeper than largemouth
          bass and are more inclined to school. Spotted bass inhabit flowing                      DUANE RAVER
          streams in eastern Oklahoma and are more tolerant of slow, warm,
          turbid water than smallmouth. In lakes, spotted bass are found in
          deeper water. They prefer rocky bottom areas.
                                                             REDEAR SUNFISH  Lepomis microlophustis
          Oklahoma State Record: 8 pounds, 2 ounces.           Redear sunfish are found statewide. It has a red outer margin on

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