Page 22 - Outdoor Oklahoma Magazine Mar-Apr2023
P. 22



            By Skylar St.Yves, Fishing R3 Coordinator        12 STEPS TO FILLET A FISH

            New harvest rules for largemouth and smallmouth bass are   STEP 1
          aimed  at  improving  the  overall  size  and  health  of  Oklahoma’s
                                                             Place the fish on its side on a flat surface.
          black bass population, primarily focusing on largemouth bass.
          ODWC recommends harvesting 8-inch to 15-inch largemouth   STEP 2
          bass, especially at lakes with an overabundance of these fish.
            Largemouth bass in this size range are the best to eat for a   TAKEMEFISHING.ORG
          number of reasons.
            First, it helps to sustain a healthy size structure in a body of
          water through less competition, meaning more food to go around.
          Fish can become stunted in small bodies of water. Also, the health
          of the bass population as well as the prey source declines when
          there are too many similarly sized mouths to feed.
            Second, fish continue to grow for their entire life, but grow the   Cut the fish behind its gills and pectoral fin down to, but not
          fastest in the first few years. Eating fish under 16-inches means   through, the backbone.
          that the fish has had less time to accumulate elements like mer-  STEP 3
          cury in their meat that can pose health hazards to humans. Fish
          over 16 inches are great for catch-and-release, photos, and tro-
          phy mounts.                                                     TAKEMEFISHING.ORG
            Thirdly, smaller fish tend to have better tasting meat with a
          more desirable firm texture. Older, larger fish tend to have a fishi-
          er taste and mushier texture.
            Fillets from bass that are 8 to 15 inches long are perfect for fried
          strips or bites. They also sear well in a pan for fish tacos. Whole
                                                             Turn the fish so that its back (dorsal fin) is facing you. Make a long
          fillets can be lightly seasoned and buttered then thrown on the
                                                             slice along the back of the fish from the cut you made behind the
          grill, wrapped in foil, for a healthier option.
                                                             gills all the way to the tail.
            In addition to being delicious, bass in the best eater-size range
          are also fairly easy to catch. They inhabit shallow structure and   STEP 4
          cover near the bank, waiting for easy meals like bugs, inverte-  Repeat this slicing motion until you can lift the meat partly away
          brates and small bait fish. Areas such as coves, marinas, rocky   from the back bone with your thumb.
          or woody banks are ideal fishing locations, making access to this   STEP 5
          resource available to all.
                                                             Once you can lift the meat partially away, continue to run the tip of
          CLEANING TIPS                                      the knife along the ribs of the fish till you lift the fillet most of the
                                                             way off the carcass.
            While many people enjoy fishing for sport, many others catch   STEP 6
          fish to use as food. Fish has always been an important part of the   Push the blade of your fillet knife all the way through the body of
          diet. And being able to clean and cook a fish that you caught is   fish from the dorsal (top) side through to belly at the anal vent,
          great, especially for those who enjoy the taste of fish!  and pull the knife towards the tail to separate the fillet from the
            When cleaning your fish, filleting means cutting out the meat   rest of the fish.
          of the fish without the bones. Larger fish, like largemouth bass,
          catfish, striped bass and walleye, are usually filleted. A filleted   STEP 7
          fish has its skin and all of its bones removed before cooking.  Repeat these steps on the other side of the fish.
            Fillet knives have a long, thin blade that’s very sharp and spe-  STEP 8
          cifically designed for filleting fish. To work properly, the knife must   Put the fillet on the table with the skin side down. Insert the knife
          be really sharp. If you have any slime on your hands or the fillet   blade about a half-inch from the tail, gripping firmly, and put the
          knife handle, wash it off to prevent slipping.     blade between the skin and the meat at an angle.
            Tip: When learning how to fillet a fish, you can also wear metal-
          or rubber-mesh fish-cleaning gloves to protect your hands.

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