Page 29 - Outdoor Oklahoma Magazine Mar-Apr2023
P. 29


            Driven by environmental and chemical trig-  known species like largemouth, smallmouth,
          gers we don’t completely understand, many   and spotted bass, as well as black and white
          Oklahoma fish species invest a tremendous   crappie and an additional 11 species that most
          amount of work and metabolic energy into repro-  Oklahomans collectively but incorrectly label as
          duction each spring and summer.          perch. Although they can be found in our large
            Some follow rising floodwaters and broadcast   lakes and rivers, longears are first and foremost   NUCHAL
          huge numbers of eggs over newly flooded veg-  creek fish. No matter where you live in Oklahoma   HUMP
          etation. Others, like flathead catfish, leave their   (except the Panhandle), there’s probably one
          deep-water haunts for the shallows and excavate   swimming within a few minutes of your house.
          nest cavities under rocks and logs. Still others,   Even in urban areas, longears are abundant in
          like white bass and paddlefish, swim great dis-  almost any small creek or ditch with clean,
          tances upstream to lay their eggs.       permanent water.
            But perhaps no other Oklahoma fish invests   Mature longears are sexually dimor-
          more time, work, and energy into reproduction   phic, meaning that males and females
          than the longear sunfish. Each year, they devote   look different. This contrasts with
          weeks — even months — of round-the-clock   many kinds of fish, such as large-
          effort into building nests, guarding territory, and   mouth bass that can be difficult to
          caring for their young. The myriad fatherly duties   differentiate.  With  longears,  it’s
          constantly performed by the males make them the   easy to see some obvious dif-
          Energizer Bunnies of the fish world, and a colony   ferences between the sexes.
          of nesting longears is a dizzying display of color,   The length of the operculur
          motion,  and  energy.  It  all  follows  a  precise  set   flap (gill flap) is one exam-
          of rules innately known by the longears, but hid-  ple, with males developing
          den from our understanding. They are arguably   longer and more pronounced
          Oklahoma’s most beautiful and hardworking fish.   flaps than females.
             Longear sunfish are among the most common   Another good example is size.
          and widespread, yet unique and interesting, of   For many fish species, females are larg-
          Oklahoma’s 175 or so species of fish. Their spe-  er than males. But with longears the oppo-
          cies name megalotis is derived from their prom-  site is true. Although males rarely exceed 6 inches
          inent gill flaps. Breeding colors are striking,   long, they are noticeably larger than females. The
          especially for males, which can make for an abso-  development of a nuchal hump, an enlarged area  OPERCULUR
          lutely stunning sight.                   of fat, soft tissue, and fluid best described as a   FLAP
            Longears belong to the sunfish family, a fair-  swollen forehead, is another example and is most
          ly  large  and  popular  group  that  includes  well-  prominent in the oldest and largest males.

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