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          In addition to general fishing regulations, statewide species regulations and Department fishing area rules, this section addresses
          special regulations that apply to public fishing waters. If a species or body of water is not listed, refer to statewide regulations.

        ADAIR PARK                all reservoirs and unimpounded   Daily/Size Limits: Walleye, sauger   Daily/Size Limits: Channel catfish:
        Adair County              tributaries from Keystone Dam   and saugeye: six combined per   six per day.
                                  downstream to the Oklahoma   day/18-inch minimum.
        Fishing Contact: (918) 683-1031  state line.                                 Allowed methods: up to two rods
                                                                                     and reels per person, bowfishing.
        Fees & Facilities: (918) 696-7143   Prohibited methods: snagging   BURTSCHI
        Game Warden:              between April 15-May 15 in the   Grady County      DOC HOLLIS
        (918) 431-2539, (918) 431-2546  Arkansas River from Zink Dam for   Fishing Contact: (580) 529-2795  Greer County
        Allowed methods: One rod and   800 feet downstream.  Game Warden: (405) 779-1479  Fishing Contact: (580) 529-2795
        reel per person.          In the tailwaters area immediately   Daily/Size Limits: Channel and/or   Game Warden: (580) 450-7706
                                  below Webbers Falls Lock and
        AMERICAN HORSE            Dam; bowfishing, gigs, spears,   blue catfish: six combined per day.  Daily/Size Limits: All largemouth
        Blaine County             spearguns and snagging is   Allowed methods: up to two rods   bass must be returned to the
                                  prohibited in the first 1,000 feet.   and reels per person, bowfishing.  water unharmed immediately after
        Fishing Contact: (580) 474-2663                                              being caught (no harvest allowed).
                                  Trotlines, throwlines, limblines,   CANEY RIVER
        Game Warden: (580) 623-0206  juglines and yo-yos are prohibited              Channel and/or blue catfish: six
        Daily/Size Limits: Channel and/or   below Webbers Falls Lock and Dam   Below Hulah Lake dam  combined per day. Motors (electric
                                                                                     or combustion) are prohibited.
        blue catfish: six combined per day.  for a distance of one mile.  Fishing Contact: (580) 762-2248
        Allowed methods: Up to two rods   BARREN FORK WMA   Game Warden: (918) 331-5798,   Allowed methods: up to two rods
                                                                                     and reels per person, bowfishing.
        and reels per person, bowfishing.                  (918) 857-5557, (918) 640-0316
                                  Adair County
        ARBUCKLE                  Fishing Contact: Streams Program   Prohibited methods: Bowfishing   ELMER
                                                           prohibited from Hulah dam
        Murray County             Fisheries Office (918) 683-1031  downstream 1,200 feet to the   Kingfisher County
        Fishing Contact: (580) 924-4087  Game Warden: (918) 431-2546,   reregulation dam. Gigs, spears,   Fishing Contact: (580) 474-2663
        Fees & Facilities: (580) 622-7234  (918) 431-2539  spearguns and snagging prohibited   Game Warden: (405) 368-0887
                                                           from Hulah dam downstream to
        Game Warden: (580) 618-0044  Daily Size Limits: Channel and/or   the confluence of old and new   Daily/Size Limits: Channel and/or
                                                                                     blue catfish: six combined per day.
                                  blue catfish: six combined per day.
        Daily/Size Limits: Crappie: 15                     river channels. (Also see Tailwaters   Allowed methods: up to two rods
        combined per day, must be 10   Allowed methods: up to two rods   regulations pg. 27)
        inches or longer.         and reels per person.    CARL ALBERT               and reels per person, bowfishing.
        ARCADIA                   BLACK KETTLE WMA         Le Flore County           ELMER THOMAS
        Oklahoma County           Roger Mills County       Fishing Contact: (918) 297-0153  Comanche County
        Fishing Contact: (405) 325-7288  Fishing Contact: (580) 474-2663  Fees & Facilities: (918) 567-3434  Fishing Contact: (580) 529-2795
        Education Area: (405) 990-9753  Fees & Facilities: (580) 497-2143  Game Warden: (918) 429-3910,   Fees & Facilities: (580) 442-5854
                                  Game Warden: (580) 497-6897                        Game Warden: (580) 695-7535
        Fees & Facilities: (405) 216-7470                  (918) 431-2559, (918) 513-0814
                                  Daily/Size Limits: Channel and/or                  Daily/Size Limits: Channel and/or
        Game Warden: (405) 203-3176,                       Allowed methods: rod and reel only.
        (405) 343-5489, (405) 203-3178  blue catfish: six combined per day.  CARL BLACKWELL  blue catfish: six combined per day.
        Daily/Size Limits: Striped bass   Prohibited methods: trotlines,   Payne County  Allowed methods: rod and reel only.
                                  throwlines, limblines, yo-yos,
        and/or striped bass hybrids: five   juglines.                                EUFAULA
        combined per day, of which only                    Fishing Contact: (580) 762-2248  McIntosh, Okmulgee and Pittsburg
        two may be 20 inches or longer.  BLUE RIVER PFHA   Fees & Facilities: (405) 372-5157  Counties
        Additional Restrictions: Walk-in   Johnston County  Game Warden: (405) 747-0505  Fishing Contact: (405) 379-5408
        fishing is allowed year-round on the   Fishing Contact: (580) 920-5773  Daily/Size Limits: Walleye, Sauger
        Arcadia Lake shoreline within the                  and saugeye: six combined per   Fees & Facilities: (918) 484-5135
        conservation area. Fishing is not   Game Warden: (580) 320-2948,   day/18-inch minimum.  Game Warden: (918) 617-0326,
        allowed on the ponds or wetland   (580) 320-2950                             (918) 617-0126, (918) 625-5971,
        areas.                    Daily/Size Limits: Spotted bass:   Prohibited methods: Noodling  (918) 625-6013, (918) 429-3908,
        ARKANSAS RIVER            must be 14 inches or longer.   CARL ETLING         (918) 470-5097
                                  Channel and/or blue catfish: six
        Keystone Dam downstream to the   combined per day. All crappie: six   Cimarron County  Prohibited methods: snagging
        Arkansas state line       combined per day, no size limit.  Fishing Contact: (580) 474-2663  is closed for one mile below
                                                                                     Eufaula Dam.
        Fishing Contact: (918) 299-2334   Allowed methods: one rod and   Game Warden: (580) 651-9133  Lake Eufaula State Park
        from Keystone Dam downstream to   reel per person during trout season
        Muskogee Turnpike bridge.    (other times up to two rods and   Daily/Size Limits: Channel and/or   Pickens Lake: Fishing open only
        (918) 683-1031 from Muskogee   reels per person).  blue catfish: six combined per day.   to residents under 16 or 65 and
        Turnpike bridge downstream to the                  Allowed methods: up to two rods   older, or those 60 percent or more
        Arkansas state line.      Note: For more trout regulations,   and reels per person, bowfishing.   disabled, or legally blind and those
        Game Warden: (918) 625-4873,   see page 17.        Cast nets may be used to take bait   accompanying. Fishing limited to
        (918) 625-4691, (918) 640-0316,   BLUESTEM LAKE    for personal use.         only two rods and reels per person.
        (918) 857-5557, (918) 625-5796,   Osage County     DAHLGREN                  No other fishing methods allowed.
        (918) 625-5085            Fishing Contact: (580) 762-2248  Cleveland County  Kid's Fish Out Lake: Fishing open
        Daily/Size Limits: Walleye, sauger                                           only to persons under 16 or 64
        and saugeye: six combined per   Game Warden:       Fishing Contact: (405) 325-7288  and older, or those 60 percent or
        day/16-inch minimum, including   (918) 440-9880, (918) 331-5798,   Game Warden:   more disabled, or legally blind
                                  (918) 381-4099, (580) 761-4097  (405) 323-7863, (405) 850-9757  or physically impaired and one
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