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          The primary objective on all lands owned or managed by the Department is the   Camping is limited to a maximum of 16 days,
          sound management and use of fish and wildlife resources resident thereon. Public   and for no more than 21 days in any period on
          use of Department-managed lands is permitted according to the following priorities:  the same WMA except on areas open only to
                                                                             hunter camping for special seasons. Camping
           1.  Hunting, fishing, trapping, running dogs for sport and associated activities.
                                                                             on these areas is limited to two days longer
           2.  Other wildlife-oriented activities (nature observation or photography, and   than the period the camper (hunter) is author-
             conservation education).                                        ized to hunt. Leaving a campsite unattended
                                                                             for a period longer than 48 hours is prohibited.
           3.  Non-wildlife related activities, when such activities do not conflict with the wildlife
             management objective (picnicking, hiking, backpacking, short-term camping,   Unattended camp items may be removed.
             horseback riding).                                               Quiet hours are enforced from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m.
                                                                              All dogs or other pets must be kept on a leash
           4.  Large group activities (military training, organized trail rides).  or otherwise confined while in camping areas.
                                                                              See specific WMA regulations (pages 55-71)
                                                                             for camping restrictions within WMAs.
        TERMS DEFINED                     WMU and Lower Illinois River Public Fishing   CONCESSIONS & BUSINESSES
                                          and Hunting Area, Watts Unit).
                                                                             It shall be unlawful to operate any private
        WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT AREA (WMA)    ARMY AMMUNITION PLANT (AAP)        (including guide services) or non-Departmen-
        All lands owned, licensed, leased, or under the   & JOINT MANEUVER TRAINING   tal business or concession, including soliciting
        management of the Wildlife Division (except   CENTER (JMTC)          and/or advertising for any such venture, on
        for the McCurtain County Wilderness Area)   Lands owned and operated by the U.S. Depart-  any Department-managed lands without prior
        are designated WMAs to accurately reflect   ment of the Army. Open for limited hunting   written approval from the Department.
        the overall objectives for these lands and the   (see McAlester AAP and Camp Gruber JMTC).
        results of management activities conducted                           CONTROLLED HUNTS
        thereon. Depending on the specific manage-  NATIONAL RECREATION AREA (NRA)  Unless otherwise provided, no person is allowed
        ment objectives, all or part of any particular   Lands owned and operated by the U.S. Depart-  in a controlled hunt area during specified dates
        WMA may also be designated as a public hunt-  ment of the Interior. Open for limited hunting   and times without a controlled hunt permit.
        ing area, game management area, migratory   (see Chickasaw NRA).
        bird refuge, waterfowl refuge portion or wet-                        DEER STANDS
        land development unit.            NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE (NWR)     No permanent type stands may be constructed
        PUBLIC HUNTING AREA (PHA)         Lands owned and operated by the U.S. Depart-  in or on a tree nor shall cleats be driven into a
                                                                             tree to gain access to a portion of any tree nor
        Areas where most forms of wildlife harvest   ment of the Interior. May be open for limited   shall any person hunt from such a stand. Only
                                          hunting and/or controlled hunts.
        are permitted under statewide hunting, fish-                         portable type stands, that do not require the
        ing, and furbearer regulations, unless specific                      use of any fastening device that has the poten-
        regulations for the area indicate otherwise.  AREA REGULATIONS       tial of damaging a tree, are permitted. Stands
                                          Policies governing situations not covered  shall be removed from the tree immediately
        GAME MANAGEMENT AREA (GMA)        under these regulations are determined by the  following the closure of the hunt for which they
        Areas where hunting and public use are more  Director or his designated representatives, and
        closely regulated than on PHAs.   their decision is binding until such time as the   BAITING
                                          Wildlife Commission can formulate permanent
        MIGRATORY BIRD REFUGE OR          policy on the issue.                It shall be unlawful to place and/or hunt over
        WATERFOWL REFUGE PORTION (WRP)      Public lands not specifically listed as open   bait on lands owned or managed by the
        Areas closed to all public use and access from  are closed.           Department of Wildlife Conservation, includ-
                                                                              ing Corps lands, see U.S. Army Corps of Engi-
        Oct. 15 - Jan. 31, except for controlled hunt   It is the responsibility of the area users to   neers Lands on page 53. “Bait” shall mean the
        permittees on days of their hunt, and unless  become knowledgeable of, and comply with,   placing, exposing, depositing, distributing or
        specifically noted otherwise. In addition, all  any regulations applicable to specific areas.  scattering of shelled, shucked or unshucked
        shotgun hunting is restricted to federally
        approved nontoxic shot and the possession  ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES        corn, wheat or other grain or other feed.
        of lead shot is prohibited.       No person shall possess, consume or use any   Legal Examples
                                          intoxicating beverage or low-point beer, as
        CONSERVATION EDUCATION AREA (CEA)  defined in Title 37, except in camping and   •  Salt or mineral blocks
        Areas which primary purpose is conservation  parking areas, not including shooting range   •  Sardines or other lures when used for the
                                                                               trapping of furbearers
        education. All activities are regulated by the  parking areas, on any lands or waterways sub-  •  Commercial scents such as doe in estrus
        Department.                       ject to the control of the Oklahoma Depart-  (heat)
                                          ment of Wildlife Conservation except U.S.
        WETLAND DEVELOPMENT UNIT (WDU)    Forest Service regulations shall apply to the
        Wetland units where all shotgun hunting is  Black Kettle, Ouachita, Rita Blanca and Tiak   Illegal Examples
                                                                              •  Salt or mineral blocks containing corn,
        restricted to federally approved nontoxic shot  Wildlife Management Areas.  oats or other grain or feed
        and the possession of lead shot is prohibited.
        In addition, shooting hours for waterfowl close  BUILDINGS & PRIVATE DEVELOPMENTS  •  Feed products such as cattle cubes or
                                                                               sweet feed
        at 1 p.m. daily.                  No permanent or temporary structure (build-  •  Fruits or vegetables such as apples or
                                          ings, earthworks, corrals, boat docks, mari-
        WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT UNIT (WMU)    nas, boat landings, launch ramps, etc.) may be   potatoes
        Lands owned or managed by the Department.  constructed on Department-managed lands.  •  Gathering naturally occurring food sourc-
                                                                               es (such as acorns) into a pile
        Open for limited hunting (see Tishomingo
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