Page 2 - ODO 2024 JanFeb online version
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                                  A dictionary states that if something is   those who care for the land”. ODWC oper-
                                “relevant,” it is significant or important to   ates on the public trust doctrine, which
                                a current audience. One issue that keeps   states that wildlife and wild places belong
                                growing in relevance is the conservation   to the public, and ODWC is charged with
                                of our natural resources. But if the Amer-  managing these resources for present and
                                ican public doesn’t view state conserva-  future benefit. Both dogmas reveal that
                                tion agencies as relevant, the future of   ODWC is charged with managing Oklaho-
                                our natural resources falls into jeopardy.   ma’s resources for a broad public.
                                  Conservation relevance is an effort      Relevance also involves building name
                                to “expand the relevancy of conserva-    recognition for ODWC with people the
                                tion to more diverse constituencies. …   agency hasn’t interacted with before.
                                Relevance means that (people see) con-   Connecting with new audiences and cre-
                                servation is essential or connected to   ating support for what we do will build
                                important aspects of (their) lives.”     wider support for various ODWC goals.
                                  Building relevance is a nationwide       In developing a plan, ODWC engaged
                                effort of  state and provincial fish and   experts to help us determine how relevan-
                                wildlife departments that  are members   cy could best be adopted in our state. We
                                of the Association of Fish and Wildlife   began by focusing on three populations
                                Agencies. This group’s “Relevancy Road-  with which ODWC historically hasn’t had
                                map” has given state agencies the tools   significant relationships: Hispanic Oklaho-
                                to successfully build the perception of   mans, urban Oklahomans, and wildlife-en-
                                relevance by the public, but enables each   thusiast Oklahomans (who don’t hunt or
                                state to determine how to get there.     fish). These groups were selected through
                                  Many state fish and wildlife agencies   social science research by way of interviews
                                have created conservation relevancy      and statewide surveys, and the data we
                                plans, and ODWC created its plan in 2022.   gathered will help us understand how to
                                  To continue providing hunting, fish-   best connect with these new-to-us groups.
                                ing, and wildlife-watching opportunities,   The process will produce gains but also
                                ODWC must  consider how to provide       create hiccups. But we look forward to
                                those opportunities to more diverse con-  connecting and displaying ODWC’s com-
                                stituencies, thus gaining more support-  mitment to offer hunting, fishing, wildlife
                                ers and possibly more revenue streams,   watching and other outdoor opportunities
                                which in turn will help conservation of   to a diverse population across Oklahoma.
                                resources in the future.
                                  ODWC’s mission statement says, “We
                                manage and protect fish and wildlife,
                                along with their habitats, while also grow-
                                ing our community of hunters and anglers,
                                partnering with those who love the out-  Betsey York,
                                doors, and fostering stewardship with    ODWC Human Dimensions Specialist
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