Page 50 - ODO 2024 JanFeb online version
P. 50

Watchable Wildlife
     The Bobcat
     By Lily Tumala, Communication Intern

            THE BOBCAT


                                   Bobcats tend to be elusive and aren’t   Bobcats are mainly territorial and will
                                often seen even though they are the      often mark their territories to avoid confron-
                                most abundant of the wild cats in the    tations with one another.
                                United States.                             Bobcats typically live in isolation, but
                                   The animal’s scientific name is Lynx rufus.   they will often have more than one mate
                                Other wild cats in the Lynx genus are the   within their lifetime. Breeding occurs in Feb-
                                Canadian lynx, Eurasian lynx, and Iberian   ruary and March. The female will typically
                                lynx. The bobcat is considered to be the   give birth to about three kittens about 65
                                smallest species in the Lynx genus. They can   days after mating.
                                grow to a length of 26 to 41 inches and can    The female and kittens mostly reside
                                weigh from 11 to 30 pounds.              in dens in heavily wooded areas, moun-
                                   Observers can often distinguish the Lynx   tain regions and even deserts. Bobcats are
                                                     genus apart from    adaptable creatures, which is why they can
                                                     the Felidae family   be found throughout North America.
                 This wild cat has a black-          based on physical     Bobcats are very good hunters. They
                 tipped tail that is stubby,         features. The cats   target small- to medium-size rodents such

                or “bobbed,” the trait for           in the Lynx genus   as squirrels and mice, opossums, rabbits,
                   which it was named.               more often have     birds,  and  sometimes  domestic  animals
                                                     short tails and tuft-  such as small dogs and cats.
                                                     ed ears that easily   Bobcats are excellent swimmers, and
                                set them apart from other feline families.  they can run up to 30 mph. The best place
                                   This wild cat has a black-tipped tail that   to see a bobcat is around clear-cut areas
                                is stubby, or “bobbed,” the trait for which it   where hunting and good cover are available.
                                was named.                                 One way to attract a bobcat is by imitat-
                                   The bobcat’s fur is often tan or brown   ing the sound of a rabbit in distress. Many
                                with black or brown spots. They usually   hunters use this method to lure a bobcat
                                have black bars on their forelegs. The fur   into range.
                                around the cat’s underbelly is lighter in   Bobcats are considered furbearers in
                                color. The bobcat’s thick coat allows it to   Oklahoma, and hunters are required to
                                inhabit colder climates.                 have a furbearer license to harvest them.
                                   A bobcat’s life span can be as long as 12   A trapping license also applies if that is the
                                years in the wild and more than twice that   method of take. Bobcats may be harvested
                                long in captivity.                       during December, January and February.
                                   Bobcats are known to be fiercely indepen-  There is no daily limit for bobcats, but there
                                dent and solitary animals. But from Decem-  is a season limit of 20 per furbearer license.
                                ber to April, which includes mating season,   There are also special tagging regulations
                                they will share territories and mingle.  that apply to bobcats.

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