Page 6 - 2019 MAY/JUNE Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 6



                    EDITOR’S NOTE: Each year, the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Con-
                    servation and Oklahoma Station Chapter Safari Club International join to
                    sponsor a creative writing competition for Oklahoma middle and high school

                    students. A boy and a girl from two age divisions are selected winners. Stu-
                    dents were required to write essays using the theme “Hunting: Sharing the

                    Heritage” or “Archery: What I Like About Archery in the Schools and Bow-
                    hunting.” Winners in the age 15-17 category receive a guided antelope hunt in
                    the Texas Panhandle, and winners in the 11-14 age category receive a hunting

                    trip at the Chain Ranch and a scholarship to the Outdoor Texas Camp. In
                    this issue, “Outdoor Oklahoma” honors senior category male winner Colby
                    Webb, 15, from Stuart High School.

                    HUNTING:                                      with a gun. Your fun and curiosity does not end when
                    SHARING                                       you hit the target. It continues to compel you as you

                    THE                                           enjoy the relaxing benefits of the woods.

                                                                    Since that first hunt and with every hunt thereafter,
                    HERITAGE                                      I have been able to become more in tune with nature

                    By Colby Webb                                 and my heritage as I step out of the hustle and bustle
                     Hunting is an enjoy-                         of life and into the great outdoors. By bow hunting,
                    ment as well as a part                        I am involved in conservation and giving wildlife a
                    of my heritage. To be                         better habitat.
                    able to go hunting in                           Whether you want to enjoy a good hunting trip
                    the woods with my family is an extraordinary feel- with friends or family or you are hunting for some-
                    ing. Hunting is a life changing opportunity and a  thing to eat, you can almost always obtain what

                    great memory maker. For me, it’s not just about the  you need from another hunter. This is part of what
                    kill. It’s about family friends and fun.      makes hunting so great and amazing.
                     One thing I like more than rifle hunting with my   Above all, I believe my favorite thing as a hunter is
                    family is bow hunting. Bow hunting presents more of  being able to go hunting with my family. By sharing
                    a challenge to me.                            this sport, we are able to make memorable moments
                     With bow hunting, you have a lot more to take in  and connect with my heritage, whether in the woods
                    than just pulling the trigger. You have to take many  or around the campsite. I hope this family tradition

                    things into consideration. For example, the wind and  will not have to end when I have to hang up my gun
                    types of arrows you use.                      for the last time, but it will continue on for further
                     Bow hunting is just so much more fun than hunting  generations of family.

                4                                                                               Off the Beaten Path

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