Page 12 - 2020 May/June Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 12


            The excitement of young girls and boys when they catch their   Here’s advice for anyone who wants to teach a child to cast
          first fish is so fun to see. Then they want to catch another, and  a fishing rod:
          another. Soon they’re asking, “Can I hold the rod? Cast the bait   •  Start with an appropriate size rod. It should be small and
          out? Put the worm on the hook? Reel the line in?”     light. Small means 36 to 48 inches, or maybe 5 feet if the
            The first ‘Fishing 101’ question I usually hear from mentors   youngster is older. Use a kid’s fishing rod rather than an
          is when to start taking kids fishing. The answer: As soon as   adult’s fishing rod, or at least use something that would be
          you want, but probably between the ages of 2 to 4, when they   light and small for adults.
          have good control of their bodies and movements, and can
          communicate fairly well. That’s probably closer to age 4, and   •  Start only with spinning or spincasting gear, the latter
          it’s when they have a little more attention, stamina, interest, and   being a hands-down favorite for kids because it’s simple
          patience. Ask yourself if the child is capable of holding the rod   to use.
          if he/she catches a moderate-size fish.             •  Consider starting with an underspin reel on a spinning
            That leads to the question about when you can start teach-  rod. Several companies make underspin reels, which are
          ing a child to cast. Maybe age 4, probably 5, certainly 6. Most   spincasting reels that feature a line-release trigger rather
          5-year-olds can throw a ball, swing a baseball bat, and do other   than a pushbutton line release, and are mounted under a
          things requiring motor skills. But abilities and attitudes differ   spinning rod handle rather than on top of a spincasting rod
          among youths of the same age. Some are bigger, stronger, more   handle. I’ve started many kids with such an outfit. It’s easy
          coordinated, or simply more determined. Whatever their age,   to master.
          if they want to do it, get into your extreme-patience mode and   •  Here’s the most practical way of teaching a kid to cast
          show them.
                                                                with a fishing rod: practice first on land in an open field,
                                                                not while also trying to catch fish on the water. Teaching
          WILDLIFEDEPARTMENT.COM                                a child to cast onshore gives him/her time to develop tim-
                                                                ing and coordination, and you can build up to increasing
                                                                accuracy by giving them distances to achieve (start short)
                                                                and broad target areas to shoot for.
                                                              •  Set the gear up for left- or right-handed use, whichever is
                                                                appropriate. Let them do what comes naturally to them.
                                                              •  Use  practice  casting  plugs,  which  are  aerodynamic
                                                                weight-forward rubber or plastic objects without hooks,
                                                                to start and to gain proficiency.
                                                              •  After they develop some ability, have them practice casting
                                                                with something akin to what they’ll be angling with, but
                                                                without a hook (like a float rig).
                                                              •  Make sure that the gear a child uses is in good condition,
                                                                especially the line, rod guides, and reel functions. It’s
                                                                exasperating and discouraging if the tackle is junk and/or
                                                                hampers their efforts.
                                                              •  Stress safety with constant reminders to look behind them
                                                                when they’re about to cast. Eventually it will become sec-
                                                                ond nature.
                                                              •  Once they’re casting on the water, work with them to con-
                                                                trol their casting around people on shore or in a boat, near
                                                                objects, and in closer quarters. You can’t always just rear
                                                                back and fire away, so have them always thinking about
                                                                the circumstances.
                                                              Finally, most younger anglers don’t need a fishing license.
                                                            In Oklahoma, resident youths 16 and younger do not require a
                                                            fishing license. If you’re an adult accompanying a youth, you’ll
                                                            generally need a license unless exempt.
                                                              (Ken Schultz,

          10                                                                              Off the Beaten Path
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