Page 110 - Interp Book
P. 110

High Plains: Shortgrass Prairie

               Area: 1,574,963 acres (637,366 ha)

               Description of Mapped Type: This type is mapped over a broad range of generally medium-
               textured soils of the High Plains, and grades into Central Mixedgrass types to the east.
               Grazing-tolerant species such as blue grama, buffalograss, sand dropseed, broom snakeweed,
               soapweed yucca, and Opuntia species are common in the modern landscape.  Mid grasses
               such as little bluestem, sideoats grama, and silver bluestem are often important.  Other common
               herbaceous species may include plains blackfoot and Rocky Mountain zinnia.  Sand sagebrush,
               white sagebrush, and soapweed yucca are common woody components.

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