Page 80 - Interp Book
P. 80

Flint Hills: Tallgrass Prairie/Pasture

               Area: 541,124 acres (218,986 ha)
               Description of Mapped Type:  This type occurs mainly over unbroken sod in grazed pastures in
               the modern landscape, but some native hay meadows are also present.  Common grazing-
               tolerant species include field brome, tall fescue, silver bluestem, prairie broomweed, and
               western (Cuman) ragweed.  Tallgrass prairie elements may include little bluestem, big
               bluestem, switchgrass, heath aster, leadplant, Canada goldenrod, and gayfeather species.
               Woody plants such as eastern redcedar, honeylocust, pecan, common persimmon, and
               Chickasaw plum may be present.

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