Page 202 - The Freshwater Mussels of Oklahoma
P. 202

Table 39.  Summary of U. tetralasmus shell characters.

                                                                               Mean       H/L             Max.           Mean             W/L
                                                                                H/L       Range         Length           W/L            Range
                   Location                                      N      (%)         (%)             (mm)             (%)               (%)           Remarks
                   Arkansas River System
                        Northeastern Oklahoma   12  53.1  49.3-55.6         85       30.9    29.0-33.3
                             (various localities)
                        Latimer County         4  50.7  49.0-54.4       102       33.4    32.1-34.7
                             (Poteau River dr.)
                        Alfalfa County         3  49.6  47.8-51.1       113       32.2    30.7-33.6
                             (Arkansas R. trib.)
                        Cimarron River drainage     3  52.9  51.9-53.8         91          -           -
                        North Canadian River dr.     2  51.8  51.3-52.3         88          -       33.0
                        South Canadian River dr.     4  49.3  48.3-50.7         87       31.6    30.9-32.2
                   Red River System
                        Upper Red River trib.   11  50.4  47.6-53.1       107       32.2   30.0-33.6
                        Washita River dr.    46  52.1  47.7-57.9       130       31.6   29.7-34.4
                        Blue River dr.         4  51.4  50.5-52.8       103       31.1   29.2-32.5
                        Mud Creek              1     -       47.0       117          -        31.4
                             (McCurtain Co.)
                        McKinney Creek         1     -       49.0       102          -        31.4   may be
                             (McCurtain Co.)                                                     U. declivis

                   General Distribution:
                          Mississippi River drainage and western Gulf of Mexico tributaries to southern
                   Oklahoma Distribution:
                          Found in ponds and sluggish streams throughout most of the main body of the

                   Map 44.  Distribution of U. tetralasmus in Oklahoma.

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