Page 259 - The Freshwater Mussels of Oklahoma
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                   Parmalee, Paul W.  1980.  Notes on the animal food resources of an Indian family in
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                   Shepard, W. D. and A. P. Covich.  1982.  The Unionid fauna of Ft. Gibson Reservoir and
                          the Grand (Neosho) River in Oklahoma:  Comments on a proposed increase in
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                   Simpson, C. T.  1889.  Notes on some Indian Territory land and fresh-water shells.  Proc.
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                   Sublette, J. E.  1957.  The ecology of the macroscopic bottom fauna in Lake Texoma
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                   Tomer, J. S. and M. J. Brodhead.  1992.  A naturalist in Indian Territory:  The journals of
                          S. W. Woodhouse, 1849-50.  Univ. Oklahoma Press, 304pp.
                   Vaughn, C. C.  1998.  Determination of the status and habitat preference of the Neosho
                          Mucket in Oklahoma.  Report to the Oklahoma Dept. of Wildlife Conservation.
                          17pp. + appendices.
                   Vaughn, C. C.  2003.  The mussel fauna of the Glover River, Oklahoma.  Proc. Okla.
                          Acad. Sci. 83:1-6.
                   Vaughn, C. C. and M. Pyron.  1995.  Population ecology of the endangered Ouachita
                          rock-pocketbook mussel, Arkansia wheeleri (Bivalvia: Unionidae), in the
                          Kiamichi River, Oklahoma.  Amer. Malac. Bull. 11(2):145-151.
                   Vaughn, C. C. and C. M. Taylor.  1999.  Impoundments and the decline of freshwater
                          mussels:  a case study of an extinction gradient.  Conservation Biology 13(4):912-
                   Vaughn, C. C. and C. M. Taylor.  2000.  Macroecology of a host-parasite relationship.
                          Ecography 23:11-20.
                   White, D. S.  1977.  Changes in the freshwater mussel populations of the Poteau River
                          system, Le Flore County, Oklahoma.  Proc. Okla. Acad. Sci. 57:103-105.
                   White, D. S. and S. J. White.  1977.  The effect of reservoir fluctuations on populations of
                          Corbicula manilensis (Pelecypoda: Corbiculidae).  Proc. Okla. Acad. Sci. 57:106-
                   White, D. S. and S. J. White.  1977.  Observations on the pelecypod fauna of Lake
                          Texoma, Texas and Oklahoma, after more than 30 years impoundment.  The
                          Southwest. Nat. 22(2):235-254.

                                             Other Important References

                   Ahlstedt, S. A.  1992.  Twentieth century changes in the freshwater mussel fauna of the
                          Clinch River (Tennessee and Virginia).  Walkerana 5(13):73-122.
                   Ahlstedt, S. A.  1992.  Cumberlandian mollusk conservation program: Mussel surveys in
                          six Tennessee Valley streams.  Walkerana 5(13):123-160.
                   Ahlstedt, S. A.  1998.  Status survey for Federally listed endangered freshwater mussel

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