Page 80 - The Freshwater Mussels of Oklahoma
P. 80

Partial Synonymy:
                          Lampsilis anodontoides (Lea, 1831), Simpson 1914; Isely 1925; Valentine and
                                 Stansbery 1971
                          Lampsilis anodontoides anodontoides (Lea, 1831), Murray and Leonard 1962
                          Lampsilis fallaciosa Smith 1899, Isely 1925
                          Lampsilis teres (Rafinesque, 1820), Johnson 1980; Branson 1984; Turgeon and
                                 others 1988; Vidrine 1993; Watters 1995; Howells and others 1996
                          “Shell large, elongated, with dorsal and ventral lines nearly parallel, rounded in
                   front, pointed behind, more or less inflated, solid; beaks rather full but not high, their
                   sculpture consisting of numerous, distinct ridges looped in the middle but open behind;
                   posterior ridge low and rounded; surface smooth and shining, but often having concentric
                   growth ridges in front, tawny to pale straw-color, sometimes with a few rays on the
                   posterior slope, the rest of the shell generally rayless; there is often a large, brown flush
                   in the umbonal region; ligament large and long; left valve with two subcompressed
                   pseudocardinals, the hinder somewhat elongated, and two long, nearly straight, delicate
                   laterals; right valve with two pseudocardinals, the upper faint, and one lateral; beak
                   cavities not deep; muscle scars rather large, well impressed; nacre white, cream-colored,
                   salmon-tinted or pink, slightly thicker in front.  Both male and female shell end behind in a
                   point two-thirds of the way up from the base; the female shell has a large rounded
                   marsupial swelling and slightly incurved at the central base” (Simpson 1914, p 90).
                   Hosts for Glochidia:
                          Alligator Gar, Black Crappie, Green Sunfish, Largemouth Bass, Longnose Gar,
                   Orangespotted Sunfish, Shortnose Gar, Shovelnose Sturgeon, Warmouth, White Crappie
                   (Watters, 1994).
                          Very common and widespread in the eastern part of the state.

                   Table 12.  Summary of L. teres shell characters.

                                                                                               Mean    Maximum                             Mean
                                                                        H/L Range       H/L       Length        W/L Range       W/L
                   Location                               N            %                %          (mm)                %                 %            Remarks
                   Arkansas River System
                       Verdigris River   12    44.4-57.3   49.9       119    31.9-42.7       39.0
                       Bird Creek          5    42.6-48.2   46.2       122    30.3-38.6       34.1
                       Caney River       22    44.2-51.5   49.0       122    25.6-44.2       36.9   5 with rays
                       Neosho River      10    46.3-53.6   49.9       112    29.7-42.9       36.4
                       Poteau River        5    44.9-53.1   48.8       113    30.6-46.0       36.9   1 with rays
                   Red River System
                       Cache Creek         6    46.7-51.2   49.2       120    37.5-46.1       40.5
                       Bitter Creek      12    48.8-53.7   50.5       112    31.6-43.2       35.5   1 with rays
                       Lake Texoma         4    45.6-52.2   49.3       137    33.8-47.4       39.9
                       Blue River          5    43.0-49.5   46.2       111    33.0-39.6       36.6
                       Muddy Boggy River   14    46.5-52.6   49.3       116    32.4-42.0       36.8
                       Kiamichi River    22    44.1-53.2   48.6       105    29.0-40.2       34.7   1 with rays
                       Little River      29    42.4-52.2   47.3       110    31.1-39.0       35.4   4 with rays
                       Glover River        4    45.1-48.4   46.5         93    28.2-34.4       31.6   1 with rays

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