Page 23 - 2018 MAY/JUNE Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 23

Plenty of hunters and anglers have a
                                                                        natural talent to tell great stories. Their
                                                                        ability to narrate every detail of their out-
                                                                        door triumph leaves fellow sportsmen
                                                                        rejoicing in their victory.
                                                                          But  a  picture  tells  a  story,  too.  That
                                                                        same emotion brought about by hearing
                                                                        an outdoor tale can often be felt sim-
                                                                        ply by looking at a photograph. A bright
                                                                        smile on a hunter’s face or a child hold-
                                                                        ing up his or her first fish will undoubted-
                                                                        ly produce the same reaction.
                                                                          A well-thought-out picture will tell the
                                                                        story of a happy day in the field. And
                                                                        once a sportsman understands a few
                                                                        basic fundamentals of good photogra-
                                                                        phy, he or she will find that it is just as
                                                                        easy to take good pictures as it is to
                                                                        take mere snapshots.

          MAY/JUNE 2018                                                                                    21
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