Page 37 - 2020 Jan/Feb Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 37

Knipp volunteers regularly at youth
                shooting events, many held at Silverleaf                                                            Don P. brown/oDwc
                Shotgun Sports near Guthrie, that
                draw 50 or more at a time. “I tell them
                if you don’t ever shoot a gun the rest
                of your life, if you learn to handle a
                gun safely — and you have to do it one
                time in your life — all your efforts out
                here are worth it.”
                  Today, Knipp has as many hunt-
                ing dogs as he has great-grandchil-
                dren: eight. “And I’ve given every
                one of them to opportunity, if they
                wanted to learn to hunt and handle
                guns, to do it.”
                  His advice to kids who want to
                start hunting: Get involved in con-
                servation groups such as Quail
                Forever, National Wild Turkey
                Federation and Rocky Mountain
                Elk Foundation, and participate in
                those groups.
                  “I don’t think we’ll ever see it
                again like it used to be,” he said.
                “I’m glad to see outfits like Quail
                Forever that are doing things for
                habitat. It’s a drop in the bucket,
                but it’s making some headway.”
                  For Knipp, hunting is not about bagging game. It’s about watching his
                dogs, seeing sights like a mature buck running across a field, and simply
                being outdoors.
                ProViDeD                                                              “I’m glad to see

                                                                                      outfits like Quail

                                                                                      Forever that are
                                                                                      doing things for

                                                                                      habitat. It’s a drop

                                                                                      in the bucket, but

                                                                                      it’s making some
                  Watch It on TV!
                    Hear veteran hunter Keith Knipp talk about the good ol’ days of
                  quail hunting on the Outdoor Oklahoma TV show set to air in the
                  near future on OETA. Watch Outdoor Oklahoma online anytime at

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