Page 39 - 2020 Jan/Feb Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 39



                Outdoor Oklahoma’s 75th Naturally Worth Celebrating

                By Don P. Brown, Associate Editor                   That first issue contained details about the new deer
                  Like many folks raised in Oklahoma, I had wonderful  trap-and-transplant effort, articles on basic conservation
                times enjoying the outdoors. Mom and Dad took us kids  principles, reports on biologists and game wardens, and
                camping and fishing often. And when I got old enough,  a passionate editorial that envisioned the end of World
                I was gifted my first Remington pump shotgun and got  War II (to come later that year) and the happy days that
                to tag along on quail and duck hunting trips. Those were  would follow.
                the days.                                           By  1946,  the  Southwestern  Association  of  Industrial
                  But if I had to name one thing that fueled my appreciation  Editors recognized Outdoor Oklahoma as the most wide-
                for this state’s great natural resources through my formative  ly-read  publication  in  Oklahoma,  with  a  circulation  of
                years, it was Dad’s copies of the latest Outdoor Oklahoma  7,500. Ten years later, the magazine was reaching 31,000
                magazine that was always there on the coffee table.  people, and a subscription fee was needed to help with
                  This magazine has been a part of my life, well, almost  production and mailing costs. Subscriptions were $1.50
                all of my life (54 years). This month, it’s been a part of the  per year.
                Oklahoma scene for 75 years.                        In September 1957, the magazine adopted a new look,
                  Just as hunting, fishing and respect for nature are near  with full-color throughout, and a new name: Oklahoma
                and dear to the hearts of so many Oklahomans, the same  Wildlife. But just eight years later, in September 1965,
                can be said of the flagship publication of the Oklahoma  the name changed again — to Outdoor Oklahoma.
                Department of Wildlife Conservation.                In 1980, the magazine trimmed publication to six issues
                  This  magazine  was  born  in  January  1945.  It  was  per year but increased the number of pages. That’s basi-
                called Oklahoma Game & Fish News and was among  cally how Outdoor Oklahoma remains today.
                the first public education efforts of the newly created   Now,  Outdoor  Oklahoma  has  a  circulation  of  about
                Information & Education Division within the state Game  8,500  copies  for  each  52-page  issue.  And  our  goal
                & Fish Department.                                remains the same as it has for 75 years: to inform sports-
                  In those initial years, each issue was 16 black-and-white  men about their wildlife agency.
                pages. Monthly, 5,000 copies were printed and mailed   Join  us  in  celebrating  our  diamond  anniversary  with
                free to people who wanted it, along with a request to cir- an entertaining trip down memory lane as we republish
                culate the magazine among their friends.          some of the magazine’s covers on the following pages.
                JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020                                                                            37

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