Page 46 - 2020 Jan/Feb Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 46

eric  brown/reaDers' Photo  showcase 2019                           vested,  and  overall  satisfaction  of
                                                                                    Oklahoma  stream  anglers.  In  addi-
                                                                                    tion, researchers will be able to bet-
                                                                                    ter  understand  eastern  Oklahoma
                                                                                    stream anglers.
                                                                                     Understanding  the  quality  of  a
                                                                                    fishery as it relates to angler effort,
                                                                                    catch  of  sport  fish,  overall  catch
                                                                                    rates,  species  variety,  and  harvest
                                                                                    numbers  is  needed  to  better  man-
                                                                                    age these resources while also meet-
                                                                                    ing angler demands.
                                                                                     Project results will help the Wildlife
                                                                                    Department provide sustainable fish-
                                                                                    ing opportunities for stream anglers,
                Streams and rivers provide habitat to a   and economic data will allow an estimated value to be placed on Oklahoma
                variety of fish species while also extending
                recreational opportunity to anglers. Monitoring   stream fisheries, which is important in making stream flow decisions.
                how many anglers fish in Oklahoma’s stream   Project  investigators  continue  to  survey  anglers  (more  than  100  sur-
                and rivers, and estimating how many fish   veyed to date) and collect data from tagged bass being reported by anglers.
                they catch helps ODWC evaluate current
                management practices and make better   Tagged bass reports have been low; only three anglers reported harvesting
                management decisions.             a tagged bass.                    Project F-100-R-1: Effects

                branDon brown/oDwc                                                  of Sucker Gigging
                                                                                    on Fish Populations
                                                                                    in Oklahoma Scenic
                                                                                    Project Leader:  Daniel Shoup and
                                                                                    Shannon Brewer, Oklahoma State
                                                                                     Many species of suckers are eco-
                                                                                    logically and recreationally import-
                                                                                    ant  despite  not  being  considered
                                                                                    sport fish in most states.
                                                                                     Gigging suckers is a popular and
                                                                                    culturally  significant  pastime  in
                                                                                    the Ozark Highlands. However, the
                                                                                    effect  gigging  has  on  population
                                                                                    dynamics  of  suckers  is  not  well
                                                                                    understood. Therefore, research is
                                                                                    needed to determine safe levels of
                                                                                    sucker  harvest  in  order  to  ensure
                The river redhorse is one of several suckers   sustainability of sucker gigging while protecting sensitive aquatic systems.
                found in Oklahoma’s rivers and streams.   This  study  focuses  on  learning  more  about  what  habitats  are  most
                It specializes in eating freshwater clams,
                mussels, and snails which it “vacuums” off the   important for adult fish during the spring spawn, and what habitats are
                bottom. It is also one of six North American   used by young fish. Project investigators will also determine the population
                fish that will eat invasive zebra mussels.  size, age structure and total mortality rate for common sucker species.
                                                    This  information  is  important  for  the  Wildlife  Department  to  bet-
                                                  ter  understand  sucker  populations  of  northeastern  Oklahoma.  Study
                                                  results  will  inform  a  sustainable  recreational  fishery  approach  to  bet-
                                                  ter managing the ecological health of Ozark streams. Sucker tagging for
                                                  mark-and-recapture population estimates is ongoing in this river system.
                                                  Project investigators are spending many hours processing otoliths (bone-
                                                  like structures of the ear) for estimating ages of the various sucker spe-
                                                  cies collected during gigging tournaments.

                44                                                                               OUTDOOR OKLAHOMA

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