Page 50 - 2020 Jan/Feb Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 50

Watchable Wildlife
          The Ring-necked Pheasant by Don P. Brown, Information and Education Specialist

                          O K L A H O M A’ S
                  Watchable Wildlife

                                     THE RI NG-N ECK ED P HEASAN T
                               BY DON P. BROW N, I N FORM ATION AN D EDUCATION SPECI A LIST

                  The ring-necked pheasant is familiar to Oklahomans as this   and defends it from trespass by other males. Hens are free to come
                state’s most colorful game bird.                   and go at will and are courted by the males as they enter territories.
                  Pheasants are native to the Old World, mainly the Asian coun-  Cocks harvested during hunting season do not affect the repro-
                tries. The Chinese ring-necked pheasant, and hybrids with other   duction in a pheasant population because one male can easily manage
                races, were successfully introduced into the United States in the   a harem of a dozen or more females. Even when numbers of each sex
                1880s. Through natural and artificial reproduction and release, the   are nearly equal, there are usually several hens to a cock, but some
                birds have established and expanded their range.   males remain single.
                  Unlike some exotics, pheasants have thrived in this country   Crowing is the territorial call of the male. The call may attract
                with  no  ill  effects  on  native  wildlife.                         hens and warn other males against tres-
                                                The pheasant has been most
                The pheasant has been most successful                                 passing. It is comprised of two syllables:
                in areas where extensive cultivation and   successful in areas where   a long note followed by a short one. The
                clean farming practices have made it dif-                             call is followed by six to eight wing claps
                                                 extensive cultivation and
                ficult for other game to survive.                                     that can be heard a short distance away.
                  The typical cock pheasant has a blue-  clean farming practices      When the cock courts the hen, it struts
                green head and distinctive white collar                               in front of the hen with short rapid steps,
                                                  have made it difficult for
                that gives the ring-necked pheasant its                               displaying its colorful plumage.
                                                   other game to survive.
                name. The rest of the cock’s plumage is a                               Cock pheasants are not the least bit
                varied pattern of iridescent colors: blue, green, red, burnished copper,   interested in family life. The hen hatches and rears the young alone.
                yellow and white. The gold-hued tail feathers are quite long, pointed   She builds a nest on the ground in fields of hay or grain, fencerows
                and barred with black.                             or other suitable cover. It is simply a slight hollow in the ground,
                  The hen is smaller, averaging slightly more than 2 pounds com-  scantily lined with vegetation. Up to 15 brownish-olive eggs are laid
                pared to the cock’s average of 2.75 pounds. The hen’s plumage is a   and incubated from 23 to 25 days.
                mixture of brown, buff and black. She also has pointed tail feathers,   Newly hatched pheasant chicks are active as soon as they are dry.
                but they are not as long as the male’s.            The female leads them away from the nest, and they begin learning
                  When alarmed, the well-camouflaged hens generally choose to   to find food. By the time they are two weeks old, they have some
                remain hidden. Cocks depend on escape by running or flying, their   wing feathers and can fly short distances.
                takeoff accompanied by a loud whirring of wings.     In five or six weeks the chicks are fully feathered. By late fall, the
                  In fall and winter, pheasants are found in flocks that may consist   young pheasants have traded juvenile feathers for their first winter
                of cocks, hens or both. Flocks break up in early spring as the cocks   plumage and are nearly adult in appearance.
                disperse and establish crowing territories. An inconspicuous patch   Grain, weed seed, wild fruits and berries make up the bulk of a
                of bare reddish skin around the cock’s eyes begins to enlarge. By   pheasant’s diet. Also included in the bird’s fare are some insects and
                mating season, both sides of the head are covered with a brilliant   vegetative materials.
                red wattle.                                          Oklahoma is on the southern fringe of the pheasant’s range. The
                  Individual boundaries of crowing territories are not exact or per-  birds are found in western and northwestern counties, especially in
                manent, but each cock regards a particular area as private property   the intensively farmed areas of the Panhandle.

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