Page 31 - 2021 2022 Oklahoma Fishing & Hunting Regulations
P. 31

How to Certify a
        State Record
        1.  Fish must be caught on rod and line and must
          be hooked and played by only one person.
          (Except for unrestricted division, which recog-
          nizes fish species taken by legal means other than
          rod and reel such as bow and arrow, gig, spear,
          trotline, jugline, limbline, etc. These records must
          tie or exceed the weight of the existing rod and
          reel record.)
        2. Fish must be caught in accordance with Okla-
          homa fishing regulations.
        3.  No fish caught from any hatchery or com-
          mer cial put-and-take lake is eligible.
        4. Accredited or certified weight scales must
          be used to weigh the fish. Ac cred it ed steel
          mea sur ing tapes must be used to measure
          the fish. The fish should be measured from                                                          Jason Schooley
          tip of the snout to the end of the tail, with
          fish laid flat on a ruler, mouth closed and
          tail lobes pressed together, giving length of
          fish in inch es. Measure the girth of the fish   From left to right, Grant Lee Rader (Current world-record holder) of Wichita, Kansas, with help from
          in inches around its widest point. Three wit-  Jeremiah Mefford (guide) and Cory James Watters (former world-record holder), holds his rod-and-reel
          nesses, one of which must be an employee   world-record that he snagged June 22, 2021 at Keystone Lake. The fish weighed 164 pounds.
          of the Wildlife Department, must witness
          the weighing and measuring of the fish and
          sign the af fi da vit.          6.  A clear photograph showing a close-up side   questionable fish affidavit submitted. The
        5.  The fish may be frozen, but must be in a   view of the fish must accompany the complet-  affidavit must be sub mit ted within 30 days
          thawed, natural, live-weight condition when   ed fish affidavit form. All pho to graphs become   of the date the fish is caught.
          approved by a Wildlife Department biologist   the property of the Wildlife Department.  8. With the exception of grass carp, no restrict-
          or tech ni cian. Preserve the fish until you  7.  The Wildlife Department reserves the right   ed exotic species will be eligible for state
          receive an official letter of verification from   to collect fish scale, tissue or spine sam ples   record fish recognition.
          the director of the Wildlife Department.  to check fish identification and to refuse any

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