Page 35 - 2021 2022 Oklahoma Fishing & Hunting Regulations
P. 35

        Department Fishing Areas — PUBLIC USE RESTRICTIONS
          The following rules and restrictions govern public use on all Wildlife Department Fishing Areas. Wildlife Department Fishing Areas are
        listed in blue type on pages 40-41.
        Alcoholic Beverages/Controlled Sub-  fishing and hunting (when applicable) related  public use and access: Canton, Hackberry Flat,
        stances - Beer and other alcoholic beverages  activities only. No person may fish with more  Hugo, McClellan-Kerr, Red Slough, and Wister.
        are not allowed (as defined in O.S. Title 37,  than two poles, except during trout seasons at
        Section 163.1), except at designated camping  Designated Trout Areas when only one pole  Visit for a map of
        and parking areas on any lands or waterways  per person is allowed. Trotlines, throwlines,  Wildlife Management Areas which include
        subject to control of ODWC. No person shall  limblines, juglines, nets, seines, yo-yos, spear-  the WRP portion or contact the Area Manag-
        use any controlled dangerous substance (as  guns, noodling and capture of bait fishes by any  ers listed in the Public Hunting Lands: Specia
        defined in O.S. 63, Section 2-101) on any lands  method is prohibited, except cast nets may be  lArea Regulations.
        or waterways subject to control of ODWC.  used to take bait for personal use only at Lake
                                          Carl Etling. Lake Dahlgren (Lexington WMA)  Blue River Public Fishing
        Boats & Motors - Must comply with existing  and Doc Hollis Lake (Sandy Sanders WMA) are  & Hunting Area
        state boat regulations and boat operators must  closed to fishing during designated controlled   In addition to restrictions listed above, the fol-
        obey Oklahoma State Boat Laws. All boats must  hunts (check Public Hunting Lands: Special  lowing regulations apply to the Blue River PFHA:
        be operated at no-wake speed (six miles per  Area Regulations for dates).
        hour or less) and may not be left on the water                       •  Hours - Vehicular access is closed to all ex-
        or at areas longer than the limit on camping.  Glass beverage containers - Are prohibited   cept emergency traffic from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.
        Motors of any kind (electric or combustion) are  at Department fishing areas, except in desig-  year-round.
        prohibited at Doc Hollis Lake.    nated camping and parking areas.   •  Hunting - Always check current "Okla-
                                                                              homa Hunting" regulations guide for sea-
        Camping - Limited to three days, except at  Hunting - Hunting is permitted on the fol-  son details and restrictions. All hunting
        the Lower Illinois River PFHA, Kiamichi River  lowing lakes: Hall, Jap Beaver, Burtschi, Nanih   is restricted to shotgun and archery only.
        Access Area and Arcadia CEA where no camp-  Waiya, Ozzie Cobb, Schooler, Evans Chambers,   Closed to waterfowl hunting and antlerless
        ing is permitted, and at Lakes Watonga and  American Horse and Vanderwork during open   deer harvest during deer gun season.
        Carl Etling where camping is limited to 14 con-  hunting seasons from Sept. 1 through spring  •  Camping - Camping is restricted to 14 days
        secutive days, and at Blue River PFHA where  turkey season, including migratory bird sea-  in a 30-consecutive-day period. The Area
        camping is restricted to 14 days in a 30-consec-  sons. Hunting is restricted to shotguns, muz-  Manager may grant extensions. Extension
        utive-day period. Camping is permitted only in  zleloaders and bows only (no muzzleloaders   approval will be based upon degree of area
        designated camping areas. Quiet shall be main-  allowed at Schooler, Ozzie Cobb or Nanih   use, anticipated weekend or holiday occu-
        tained in camping areas between 11 p.m. and  Waiya). These lakes are closed to antlerless deer   pancy and recreation season. Requests for
        7 a.m. Operation or use of any audio-producing  harvest, except during archery season. Hunting   extensions must be received by the Area
        device including radios, televisions and musi-  regulations and restrictions for lakes Dahlgren,   Manager a minimum of 48 hours prior to
        cal instruments or motorized equipment used  Doc Hollis and Vincent are the same as those   start of extension date. Camping is permit-
        in such a manner as to reasonably annoy or  listed for Lexington WMA (Dahlgren), Sandy   ted only in designated camping areas. No
        endanger persons at any time or exceed state or  Sanders WMA (Doc Hollis) and Ellis County   person shall leave a vehicle, camper, tent or
        local laws governing noise levels is prohibited.  WMA (Vincent). Hunting and shooting other   any personal property unattended for more
                                          than provided above is prohibited. “Closed   than a 48-hour period without approval of
        Disorderly Conduct - No person shall use  areas” may be designated for purposes of safety   the Area Manager. Unauthorized placement
        threatening, abusive or indecent language, par-  and/or security. Trapping is prohibited.  of camping equipment or other items placed
        ticipate in disorderly assemblage nor publicly                        at a campsite, and/or personal attendance
        appear nude or intoxicated on any lands owned  Littering - Disposal of trash, refuse and debris,   without overnight occupancy at a campsite
        and/or managed by the Wildlife Department.  including organic and inorganic material is pro-  for the purpose of reserving a campsite for
                                          hibited, except in designated trash containers.  future occupancy is prohibited. All property
        Dogs - Dogs must be kept on a leash at all                            removed from unauthorized placement at
        times, except when used for hunting during  Motor Vehicles - Driving, occupying or park-  a campsite will be at the owner’s expense
        legal open seasons on those areas where hunt-  ing any motor driven vehicle, except on main-  and liability.
        ing is permitted.                 tained roads (unless posted as “no parking  •  Carl R. & Ruth Walker Landrum Wil-
                                          zones”), designated parking areas and camping   derness Area & Plaster Wildlife Man-
        Fires - Fires shall be confined to those areas  areas is prohibited. It is unlawful to operate any   agement Unit - Special rules pertain to
        designated for camping, and shall be contained  vehicle in a manner to create a public nuisance   these areas, including walk-in access only
        in fireplaces, fire rings, grills, or other facili-  or to park in a “no parking zone.” Motor vehicle   (except where wheelchair access provided),
        ties designed for this purpose. Fires shall not  operators must be licensed drivers.  no camping, and no swimming.
        be left unattended and must be completely
        extinguished prior to departure. The burning  Swimming - Swimming is not permitted in  Lower Illinois River Public Fishing
        of materials that produce toxic fumes, includ-  Wildlife Department lakes.  and Hunting Area – Simp and Helen
        ing but not limited to, tires and treated wood                       Watts Management Unit
        products is prohibited.           Vandalism, Theft, & Damage to Property -   In addition to restrictions listed above, the follow-
                                          Vandalism, theft, cutting or defacing of trees  ing regulations apply to the Simp and Helen Watts
        Fireworks/Explosive Devices - Possession  and vegetation, removal of soil, rocks, water  Management Unit):
        or use of explosive devices, including fireworks  or minerals or damage to state property are   No camping permitted. All hunting is re-
        and firecrackers, is prohibited.  prohibited.                        stricted to shotguns with pellets or archery
                                                                             equipment only. See Special Area Regulations
        Fishing - Fishing is permitted at all times in  Water Skiing - Water skiing is prohibited.  for open hunting seasons.
        accordance with regulations. “Closed areas”
        may be designated for purposes of safety and/  Waterfowl Refuge Portion - The Waterfowl
        or security. From 10 p.m. to 5 a.m., all Wild-  Refuge Portion (WRP) of the following lakes/
        life Department fishing areas are restricted to  areas is closed during Oct. 15 - Jan. 31 to all
                                 2021-2022 OKLAHOMA FISHING & HUNTING REGULATIONS                              33
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