Page 38 - 2021 2022 Oklahoma Fishing & Hunting Regulations
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P UB L I C  F I S H I N G  W A TE R S :
                 PUBLIC FISHING WATERS:
                S P EC I A L  A R E A  R EG U L A T I O N S

        Lone Chimney              Methods: Prohibited methods of   (Gondola Lake dam south to   Ouachita WMA
        Pawnee and Payne Counties  fishing: trotlines and throwlines.   State Highway 49 bridge)  Le Flore and McCurtain Counties
        Fishing Contact: (580) 762-2248  (Also see “Tailwaters” regulations.)  Methods: Fishing limited to one   Fishing Contact: (918) 297-0153
        Fees & Facilities: (918) 762-3581  Lower Red River  rod and reel per person during   Fees & Facilities: (580) 494-6402,
                                                           trout season. Fishing limited to rod
        Game Warden: (918) 645-6116,   Below Lake Texoma   and reel and bowfishing. No other   ext. 107
        (405) 747-0505            Fishing Contact: (580) 924-4087  method of fishing allowed.  Game Warden: (918) 429-3910,
        Daily/Size Limits: Fishing limited to  Game Warden: (580) 320-2956,   Note: For more trout regulations,   (918) 431-2559, (580) 413-0814,
        only two rods and reels per person   (580) 320-2957, (580) 317-5000,   see page 22. For Close to Home   (580) 513-6866, (580) 513-4963,
        and bowfishing. No other method of   (580) 613-6866, (580) 513-4963,   regulations, see page 26-27.  (580) 513-4651
        fishing allowed.          (580) 513-4651           Murray                    Daily/Size Limits: Channel and/or
        Lower Canadian River      Denison Dam downstream to the   Carter and Love Counties  blue catfish: six combined per day.
        Downstream from Eufaula Dam for one   mouth of the Shawnee Creek:   Fishing Contact: (580) 924-4087  Methods: Fishing limited to rod
                                  Anglers are advised to meet all
        mile                      fishing license requirements for                   and reel only. No other method of
                                                                                     fishing allowed.
        Fishing Contact: (918) 683-1031  both Oklahoma and Texas. See   Fees & Facilities: (580) 223-4044
        Game Warden: (918) 429-3123,   map below.          Game Warden: (580) 220-7264,   Overholser
        (918) 429-3122, (918) 617-0326,                    (580) 276-7193            Oklahoma County
        (918) 617-0126, (918) 625-5971,                    Daily/Size Limits: No length limit   Fishing Contact: (405) 325-7288
        (918) 625-5085, (918) 625-4873,                    on largemouth or smallmouth bass.  Fees & Facilities: (405) 297-1426
        (918) 625-4691                                     Nanih Waiya
        Methods: Gigs and spears,                          Pushmataha County         Game Warden:
        spearguns and snagging prohibited.                                           (405) 343-5489, (405) 203-3176,
        (Also see “Tailwaters” regulations.)               Fishing Contact: (918) 297-0153  (405) 203-3178
        Lower Illinois River                               Game Warden: (580) 271-0808,   Methods: Fishing limited to no
                                                                                     more than three rods and reels per
                                                           (580) 513-5014
        Sequoyah County           If fishing in Oklahoma waters,   Daily/Size Limits: Channel and/or   person, with no more than three
        Fishing Contact: (918) 683-1031  an Oklahoma fishing license is   blue catfish: six combined per day.  hooks per line (treble hooks are
                                                                                     considered one hook). Bowfishing
                                  required, unless exempt. If fishing
        Game Warden: (918) 431-2550,   in Texas waters, you need a Texas   Methods: Fishing limited to only   is permitted year-round but
        (918) 431-2544            fishing license, unless exempt. A   two rods and reels per person.   during daylight hours only. No
        (From Tenkiller Dam       Lake Texoma fishing license is not   Fishing limited to rod and reel and   other method of fishing allowed,
        downstream to the confluence   valid below Denison Dam.  bowfishing. No other method of   including castnetting. For all special
                                                                                     regulations visit
                                                           fishing allowed.
        of the Arkansas River)    Mouth of Shawnee Creek                             regulations.html.
        Daily/Size Limits: Walleye, sauger   downstream (east): If fishing in the   Oklahoma River
        and saugeye: six per day/16-inch   Red River, anglers must possess   Oklahoma County  Ozzie Cobb
        minimum.                  an Oklahoma fishing license, unless                Pushmataha County
                                  exempt.                  Fishing Contact: (405) 325-7288
        Methods: From Tenkiller Dam   For all of the Lower Red River:  Fees & Facilities: (405) 297-1426  Fishing Contact: (918) 297-0153
        downstream to the U.S. 64 bridge:                                            Game Warden: (580) 271-0808,
        fishing limited to one rod and reel   Daily/Size Limits: Alligator   Game Warden: (405) 343-5489,   (580) 513-5014
        per person. Cast nets may be   gar harvest must be reported   (405) 203-3176, (405) 203-3178
        used to take bait for personal use   within 24 hours via E-Check at   Methods: Fishing limited to only   Daily/Size Limits: Channel and/or
        from the south boundary of the Transport   three rods and reels per person,   blue catfish: six combined per day.
        MarVal trout camp downstream   of shad from the Lower Red River   with no more than three hooks per   Methods: Fishing limited to only
        to the U.S. 64 Bridge. No other   is prohibited. If shad are collected   line (treble hooks count as one   two rods and reels per person.
        method of fishing allowed. (Also see   from the Lower Red River for use as   hook; restriction does not apply to   Fishing limited to rod and reel and
        “Tailwaters” regulations.)  bait, they may only be used in the   artificial lures with more than three   bowfishing. No other method of
        Note: For more trout regulations,   Lower Red River.   hooks). Noodling is only allowed   fishing allowed.
        see page 22.              Methods: Bowfishing for paddlefish  from the NW 10th Street bridge to   Perry CCC
                                  is prohibited year-round. (Also see   the MacArthur Street bridge. No
        Lower Mountain Fork       "Tailwaters" regulations; and shad   other method of fishing is allowed.  Noble County
        River Trout Area          restrictions on page 30).  Oklahoma State          Fishing Contact: (580) 762-2248
        Below Broken Bow Dam      McGee Creek              Park Ponds                Fees & Facilities: (580) 336-4241
        Fishing Contact: (918) 297-0153  Atoka County      Statewide                 Game Warden: (580) 370-0700
        Game Warden: (580) 513-6866,   Fishing Contact: (580) 924-4087  Fishing Contact: (800) 652-6552  Daily/Size Limits: Fishing limited
        (580) 513-4963, (580) 513-4651                                               to only one rod and reel per person
        Methods: Fishing limited to one   Fees & Facilities: (580) 889-5822  Game Warden: (405) 522-0871  during trout season (other times,
        rod and reel per person. No other   Game Warden:   Daily/Size Limits: Channel and/or   consult City of Perry for fishing
        method of fishing allowed. (Also see   (580) 513-4823, (580) 513-0081  blue catfish: six combined per day.  regulations).
        “Tailwaters” regulations.)  Daily/Size Limits: Largemouth and   Okmulgee     Note: For more trout regulations,
        Note: For more trout regulations,   smallmouth bass: six combined per   Okmulgee County  see page 22.
        see page 22.              day. Largemouth and smallmouth
                                  bass between 16 and 22 inches   Fishing Contact: (405) 379-5408  Ponca
        Lower Poteau River        must be released and only one (1)   Fees & Facilities: (918) 756-5971  Kay County
        Downstream from Wister Dam to   greater than 22 inches may be kept.          Fishing Contact: (580) 762-2248
        ¼ mile past confluence of old and new              Game Warden: (918) 625-5971,
        channels                  Medicine Creek           (918) 625-6013            Fees & Facilities: (580) 336-4241
        Fishing Contact: (918) 297-0150  Trout Area        Daily/Size Limits: Largemouth and   Game Warden: (580) 761-6565
        Game Warden: (918) 429-3910,   Comanche County     smallmouth bass: six combined per   Daily/Size Limits: Walleye, sauger
                                                           day. Largemouth and smallmouth
        (918) 431-2559, (580) 513-0814  Fishing Contact: (580) 529-2795  bass between 13 and 16 inches   and saugeye: six combined per
                                  Game Warden: (580) 695-7535  must be released.     day/18-inch minimum.
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