Page 84 - 2021 2022 Oklahoma Fishing & Hunting Regulations
P. 84

        Barren Fork WMA           Hunter and angler camping is   •  Trapping: Open to water sets,   during the first nine days of deer
        Adair County              allowed in designated areas.  live box traps and enclosed   gun season.
                                                             trigger traps only.     •  Turkey Spring, Youth Turkey
        Hunting Contact: (918) 260-8959  Beaver River WMA -   •  Turkey Spring, Youth Turkey   Spring: One-tom limit; seasons
        Game Warden: (918) 431-2546  McFarland Unit          Spring: Hunting hours close at   combined.
        CLOSED SEASONS:           Beaver County              7:00 p.m. daily. One-tom limit,   ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS
        Pheasant, Turkey Fall Gun   Hunting Contact: (806) 339-5175  seasons combined.  No camping allowed.
        SAME AS STATEWIDE SEASONS:  Game Warden: (580) 651-9135  ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS  Burtschi PFA
        Youth Deer Gun, Holiday Antlerless                 Skipout, Spring Creek and Black
        Deer Gun, Turkey Fall Archery,   Area closed to all activities for   Kettle recreation areas are closed   Grady County
        Spring Turkey, Squirrel, Rabbit,   controlled deer hunts Oct. 15-17,   to hunting.  Hunting Contact: (405) 779-1479
        Crow, Dove, Rail and Gallinule,   Oct. 23-24 and Nov. 20-21, 2021.  OHV (Off-Highway Vehicle) use is
        Common Snipe, Woodcock, Deer   CLOSED SEASONS      regulated by the U.S. Forest Service.  CLOSED SEASONS
        Archery, Deer Muzzleloader, Deer   Deer Gun, Deer Muzzleloader, Youth   Camping is allowed in accordance   Deer Muzzleloader, Holiday Antlerless
        Gun, Trapping, Predator/Furbearer   Deer Gun, Holiday Antlerless Deer   with U.S. Forest Service regulations.  Deer Gun, Trapping
        Calling, Waterfowl        Gun, Pursuit with Hounds                           HUNTING RESTRICTIONS
        SEASONS W/ SPECIAL        SAME AS STATEWIDE SEASONS  Blue River PFHA         Open only from Sept. 1 through the
        RESTRICTIONS              Dove, Rail, Gallinule, Turkey Fall   Johnston County  end of spring turkey season each
                                                                                     year. CLOSED to antlerless deer gun
        •  Quail: Same as statewide season   Archery       Hunting Contact: (580) 920-5773  harvest, deer hunting is restricted
          dates, except closed during the   SEASONS W/ SPECIAL                       to shotgun or archery only, and
          first nine days of deer gun season.  RESTRICTIONS  Game Warden: (580) 320-2950,   all other hunting is restricted to
        •  Pursuit with hounds: Same as   •  Deer Archery, Crow, Snipe,   (580) 320-2948  shotgun with pellets or archery.
          statewide season dates, except   Woodcock, Rabbit, Squirrel:   All hunting is restricted to shotguns
          closed from opening day of deer   Closed during the first nine days   or archery equipment only.  Camp Gruber (CGTC)
          archery season through the first   of deer gun season.  CLOSED SEASONS     Muskogee County
          9 days of deer gun season.   •  Turkey Fall Gun: Shotgun only.  Deer Muzzleloader, Turkey Fall Gun,
        ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS   •  Quail, Pheasant: Closed during   Trapping       Hunting Contact: (918) 931-0432
        No camping allowed.         the first nine days of deer gun   SAME AS STATEWIDE SEASONS  Game Warden: (918) 625-4873,
                                                                                     (918) 625-4691
        Beaver River WMA            season. Hunting hours close at   Deer Archery, Dove, Rail, Gallinule,   CGTC is an active military training
                                                           Crow, Quail, Snipe, Woodcock,
                                    4:30 p.m. daily.
        Beaver County                                      Waterfowl, Rabbit, Squirrel, Turkey   center. All users must obey all CGTC
                                  •  Trapping: Open to water sets,                   regulations, closed area (refer to
        Hunting Contact: (806) 339-5175  live box traps and enclosed   Fall Archery, Pursuit with Hounds,   hunting area map for restricted use
                                                           Predator/Furbearer Calling
        Game Warden: (580) 651-9135  trigger traps only.   SEASONS W/ SPECIAL        areas) and access restrictions, and
        Area closed to all activities for   •  Predator/Furbearer Calling,   RESTRICTIONS  wildlife regulations and laws.
        controlled deer hunts Oct. 15-17   Crane, Waterfowl: Closed   •  Youth Deer Gun, Holiday   All persons entering CGTC must
        Nov. 20-21, 2021.           during deer gun season.  Antlerless Deer Gun: Shotguns   possess an unexploded ordinance
        CLOSED SEASONS            •  Turkey Spring, Youth Turkey   with slugs only.  (UXO) permit before entering. These
        Deer Gun, Holiday Antlerless Deer   Spring: One-tom limit; seasons   •  Deer Gun: Open the entire 16   permits are valid from July 1-June
        Gun, Pursuit with Hounds    combined. Hunting hours close   days of deer gun season. Closed   30, must be renewed annually,
        SAME AS STATEWIDE SEASONS   at 7:00 p.m. daily.      to antlerless hunting. Shotguns   and available free of charge on the
                                                                                     CGTC website.
        Youth Deer Gun, Dove, Rail, Gallinule,   ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS  with slugs only.
        Turkey Fall Archery, Deer Archery  Areas in Section 1 and 12, T4N,   •  Turkey Spring, Youth Turkey   Hunting Areas #'s 1, 2, 3 and 5
        SEASONS W/ SPECIAL        R23E and Section 7, T4N, R24E are   Spring: One-tom limit; seasons   CLOSED SEASONS
                                  restricted to archery and shotgun
        RESTRICTIONS              with pellets only.         combined.               Holiday Antlerless Deer Gun, Turkey
        •  Crow, Snipe, Woodcock, Rabbit,                  ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS   Fall Gun, Youth Turkey Spring, Rail,
          Squirrel: Closed during the first   Black Kettle WMA  Hunter and angler camping is   Gallinule
          nine days of deer gun season.  Roger Mills County  allowed in designated areas.  SAME AS STATEWIDE SEASONS
        •  Deer Muzzleloader: Closed to   Hunting Contact: (580) 515-2030  Broken Bow WMA  Youth Deer Gun, Deer Muzzleloader
          antlerless mule deer hunting.                                              SEASONS W/ SPECIAL
        •  Waterfowl, Crane, Predator/  Game Warden: (580) 497-6897  McCurtain County  RESTRICTIONS
          Furbearer Calling: Closed   SAME AS STATEWIDE SEASONS  Hunting Contact: (580) 298-7152  •  Deer Gun: Closed to antlerless
          during deer gun season.  Deer Archery, Youth Deer Gun, Deer   Game Warden: (580) 513-6866,   hunting.
                                  Muzzleloader, Holiday Antlerless
        •  Quail, Pheasant: Closed during   Deer Gun, Dove, Turkey Fall Archery  (580) 513-4963, (580) 513-4651  •  Deer Archery, Turkey Fall
          the first nine days of deer gun                  CLOSED SEASONS              Archery, Trapping, Dove,
          season. Hunting hours close at   SEASONS W/ SPECIAL   Holiday Antlerless Deer Gun, Turkey   Crow, Quail, Snipe, Woodcock,
          4:30 p.m. daily.        RESTRICTIONS             Fall Gun                    Waterfowl, Rabbit, Squirrel,
        •  Turkey Fall Gun: Shotgun only.  •  Deer Gun: Open the first nine   SAME AS STATEWIDE SEASONS  Predator/Furbearer Calling,
                                    days only.
                                                                                       Pursuit with Hounds: Open
        •  Trapping: Open to water sets,                   Bear Archery, Deer Archery, Youth   December 5, through January 15.
          live box traps and enclosed   •  Crow, Snipe, Woodcock,   Deer Gun, Bear Muzzleloader, Deer
          trigger traps only.       Waterfowl, Crane, Quail,   Muzzleloader, Deer Gun, Dove, Rail,   •  Turkey Spring: Third Saturday in
                                                                                       April through May 6. One-tom limit.
                                    Rail, Gallinule, Rabbit,
        •  Turkey Spring, Youth Turkey   Squirrel, Pursuit with Hounds,   Gallinule, Crow, Turkey Fall Archery,
          Spring: One-tom limit; seasons   Predator/Furbearer Calling:   Predator/ Furbearer Calling, Trapping  ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS
          combined. Hunting hours close   Closed during the first nine days   SEASONS W/ SPECIAL   Selected CGTC gates will open no
          at 7:00 p.m. daily.       of deer gun season.    RESTRICTIONS              later than 8 A.M. the day before the
        ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS   •  Turkey Fall Gun: Shotgun only.  •  Quail, Snipe, Woodcock,   start of each designated hunting
                                                                                     season. West of Highway 10, the
        Closed to all nonhunting activities,                 Waterfowl, Rabbit, Squirrel,   open gates will be: 5, 6, 43, 44, 45,
        except hunter camping, from Oct. 1                   Pursuit with Hounds: Closed   46, 48 and 49. East of Highway 10,
        - Feb. 15.
           In addition to general hunting regulations, statewide species regulations and Department-managed area rules, this section addresses
           special regulations that apply to public hunting lands. If a species or season is not listed, refer to statewide seasons and regulations.
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