Page 87 - 2021 2022 Oklahoma Fishing & Hunting Regulations
P. 87

>> Listed in Alphabetical Order      = Conservation Passport Area

        SEASONS W/ SPECIAL                                 •  Turkey Spring, Youth Turkey   •  Trapping: Open to water sets,
        RESTRICTIONS              Deep Fork WMA              Spring: One-tom limit; seasons   live box traps and enclosed
        •  Squirrel, Rabbit, Crow,   Creek and Okfuskee Counties  combined.            trigger traps only.
          Rail, Gallinule, Snipe,   Hunting Contact: (918) 759-1816  ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS  •  Turkey Spring, Youth Turkey
          Quail, Woodcock, Trapping                        No camping allowed.         Spring: Hunting hours close at
          (water sets, live box traps   Game Warden: (918) 625-6363,                   7:00 p.m. daily. One-tom limit;
          and enclosed trigger traps   (918) 625-6801, (580) 320-2949  Doc Hollis PFA   seasons combined.
          only), Pursuit with Hounds,   All shotgun hunting is restricted to   Greer County  ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS
          Predator/Furbearer Calling,   federally approved nontoxic shot on
          Waterfowl: Closed from Oct. 1   the Swift Bottoms WDU portion.  Hunting Contact: (580) 471-3371  Hunter and angler camping is
          through the first nine days of   SAME AS STATEWIDE SEASONS  Game Warden: (580) 450-7706  allowed in designated areas.
          deer gun season.        Deer Archery, Holiday Antlerless   HUNTING RESTRICTIONS  Elmer PFA
        ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS   Deer Gun, Youth Deer Gun, Deer   See special area regulations for   Kingfisher County
        Closed to all nonhunting activities,   Muzzleloader, Dove, Rail, Gallinule,   Sandy Sanders WMA.
        except hunter camping, from Oct. 1   Crow, Turkey Fall Archery, Trapping     Game Warden: (405) 368-0887
        – Jan. 31 and during spring turkey   SEASONS W/ SPECIAL   Drummond Flats WMA   HUNTING RESTRICTIONS
        season.                   RESTRICTIONS             Garfield County           CLOSED to hunting or taking wildlife
        Hunter camping is allowed in   •  Deer Gun: Open during the first   Hunting Contact: (580) 541-5319  by any means.
        designated areas only.
                                    nine days only.        Game Warden: (580) 541-0819  See specific WMA regulations for
        Dahlgren PFA              •  Quail, Squirrel, Rabbit, Snipe,   All shotgun hunting is restricted to   other restrictions that may apply to
        Cleveland County            Woodcock, Pursuit with   federally approved nontoxic shot.  lakes within WMAs.
                                    Hounds, Predator/Furbearer                       Eufaula WMA
        Hunting Contact: (405) 823-8714  Calling: Closed during the first   CLOSED SEASONS
        Game Warden: (405) 850-9757,   nine days of deer gun season.  Deer Gun, Deer Muzzleloader, Youth   Latimer, McIntosh, Okmulgee and
                                                           Deer Gun, Holiday Antlerless Deer
                                                                                     Pittsburg Counties
        (405) 323-7863            •  Turkey Fall Gun: Tom only,   Gun, Turkey Fall Gun, Trapping
        HUNTING RESTRICTIONS        shotgun only.          SAME AS STATEWIDE SEASONS  Hunting Contact: (918) 617-1113,
        See special area regulations for   •  Waterfowl: Hunting hours for   Deer Archery, Dove, Rail, Gallinule,   (918) 721-2990
        Lexington WMA.              waterfowl close at 1 p.m. daily   Crow, Snipe, Woodcock, Quail,   Game Warden: (918) 617-0326,
        Deep Fork NWR               on the WDU portion. The Harold   Pheasant, Rabbit, Squirrel, Turkey   (918) 617- 0126, (918) 625-5971,
                                                                                     (918) 625-6013, (918) 429-3908,
                                    Stuart Marsh (Refuge Unit) is
        Okmulgee County             closed to all waterfowl hunting.  Fall Archery, Pursuit with Hounds,   (918) 470-5097, (918) 471-9447
                                                           Predator/Furbearer Calling, Crane
        Hunting Contact: (918) 652-0456  •  Turkey Spring, Youth Turkey   SEASONS W/ SPECIAL   All shotgun hunting is restricted to
        Game Warden: (918) 625-5971,   Spring: One-tom limit; seasons   RESTRICTIONS  federally approved nontoxic shot on
                                                                                     both Mill Creek and Deep Fork WDU
        (918) 625-6013              combined, area combined.   •  Waterfowl: Hunting hours for   portions.
        A free permit is required for rabbit,   ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS  waterfowl close at 1 p.m. daily.  SAME AS STATEWIDE SEASONS
        squirrel, raccoon and duck hunting.   Hunter and angler camping is allowed   •  Turkey Spring, Youth Turkey   Deer Archery, Youth Deer Gun, Deer
                                  within 50 yards of open roads.
        These permits are available at the                   Spring: One-tom limit; seasons   Muzzleloader, Deer Gun, Holiday
        NWR office and parking areas.  Dewey County WMA      combined.               Antlerless Deer Gun, Dove, Rail,
        All shotgun hunting is restricted to   Dewey County  ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS  Gallinule, Crow, Turkey Fall Archery,
        federally approved nontoxic shot.                  Hunter and angler camping is   Turkey Fall Gun, Trapping, Turkey
        Area closed to all activities for   Hunting Contact: (580) 541-5319  allowed in designated areas.  Spring, Youth Turkey Spring
        controlled deer hunts Oct. 11 - Nov.   Game Warden: (580) 623-3255  Ellis County WMA   SEASONS W/ SPECIAL
        30, 2021; April 2 - May 6, 2022.  CLOSED SEASONS                             RESTRICTIONS
        CLOSED SEASONS            Holiday Antlerless Deer Gun, Turkey   Ellis County  •  Quail, Snipe, Woodcock,
        Deer Archery, Deer Gun, Deer   Fall Gun, Rail, Snipe, Gallinule,   Hunting Contact: (580) 515-2030  Rabbit, Squirrel, Pursuit with
        Muzzleloader, Youth Deer Gun,   Woodcock, Pursuit with Hounds  Game Warden: (580) 334-0480  Hounds, Predator/Furbearer
        Holiday Antlerless Deer Gun, Turkey   SAME AS STATEWIDE SEASONS                Calling: Closed during the first
        Fall Archery, Turkey Fall Gun, Turkey   Deer Archery, Deer Muzzleloader,   CLOSED SEASONS  nine days of deer gun season.
        Spring, Youth Turkey Spring, Quail,   Dove, Waterfowl, Crane, Turkey Fall   Holiday Antlerless Deer Gun  •  Bear Archery, Bear
        Rail, Snipe, Gallinule, Woodcock,   Archery        SAME AS STATEWIDE SEASONS   Muzzleloader: Open only
        Dove, Crow, Predator/Furbearer                     Deer Archery, Youth Deer Gun, Deer   in portions of McIntosh and
        Calling, Trapping         SEASONS W/ SPECIAL       Muzzleloader, Dove, Crow, Turkey
                                  RESTRICTIONS                                         Pittsburg counties that are east
        SEASONS W/ SPECIAL                                 Fall Archery, Turkey Fall Gun  of U.S. Highway 69 and south of
        RESTRICTIONS              •  Youth Deer Gun, Deer Gun:   SEASONS W/ SPECIAL    Interstate 40.
                                    Archery equipment only. Archery
        •  Rabbit: Open Dec. 1 - Jan. 31.  equipment can be used to fill a   RESTRICTIONS  •  Waterfowl: Same as statewide,
        •  Squirrel: Same as statewide   youth deer or deer gun license.  •  Deer Gun: Open during the   except hunting hours for
          seasons, except closed from   •  Quail: Closed during the first nine   first nine days only. Antlerless   waterfowl close at 1 p.m. daily
          Oct. 1 - Nov. 30. Shotgun or   days of deer gun season. Hunting   hunting permitted last two days   on the WDU portions.
          rimfire only.             hours close at 4:30 p.m. daily.  of area season.  ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS
        •  Pursuit with Hounds: Open   •  Crow, Squirrel, Rabbit: Closed   •  Snipe, Woodcock, Waterfowl,   No camping allowed.
          to squirrel, rabbit and raccoon   during the first nine days of deer   Crane, Quail, Rail, Gallinule,
          hunting only, Dec. 1 - Jan. 31.  gun season.       Rabbit, Squirrel, Pursuit with
        •  Waterfowl: Contact Refuge for   •  Predator/Furbearer Calling:   Hounds, Predator/Furbearer
                                                             Calling: Closed during the first
          special restrictions.     Closed during deer gun season.  nine days of deer gun season.
                                  •  Trapping: Open to water sets,
                                    live box traps and enclosed
                                    trigger traps only.
           In addition to general hunting regulations, statewide species regulations and Department-managed area rules, this section addresses
           special regulations that apply to public hunting lands. If a species or season is not listed, refer to statewide seasons and regulations.
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