Page 91 - 2021 2022 Oklahoma Fishing & Hunting Regulations
P. 91

>> Listed in Alphabetical Order      = Conservation Passport Area

        Hunter and angler camping is   Deer Archery, Deer Muzzleloader,   Closed to all nonhunting activities,   RESTRICTIONS
        allowed in designated areas only   Youth Deer Gun, Dove, Rail,   except hunter camping, from Oct. 1   •  Quail, Snipe, Woodcock,
        during hunting seasons.   Gallinule, Turkey Fall Archery  - Feb. 15. However, fishing and   Rabbit, Squirrel, Pursuit with
        Kaw WMA                   SEASONS W/ SPECIAL       angler camping is permitted at Lake   Hounds, Predator/Furbearer
                                                                                       Calling: Closed during the first
        Kay and Osage Counties
                                  •  Deer Gun: Open during the first   Lake Dahlgren is closed to all   nine days of deer gun season.
        Hunting Contact: (405) 823-7936  nine days only and Cottonwood   activities during controlled hunts.  •  Waterfowl: Hunting hours for
        Game Warden: (580) 761-6565,   Creek Wetland Development   Hunter and angler camping is   waterfowl close at 1 p.m. daily
        (580) 761-4097, (918) 440-9880,   Unit lands are closed.  allowed in designated areas.  on the WDU portion.
        (918) 381-4099, (918), 331-5798  •  Holiday Antlerless Deer Gun:   Little River NWR  •  Turkey Fall Gun: Tom only,
        CLOSED SEASONS              Same as statewide seasons   McCurtain County       shotgun only.
        Closed to all hog hunting.  except Cottonwood Creek                          •  Trapping: Open to water sets,
        SAME AS STATEWIDE SEASONS   Wetland Development Unit lands   Hunting Contact: (580) 584-6211  live box traps and enclosed
                                    are closed.
        Deer Archery, Youth Deer Gun, Deer                 Game Warden: (580) 513-6866,   trigger traps only.
        Muzzleloader, Holiday Antlerless   •  Crow, Quail, Woodcock, Snipe,  (580) 513-4963, (580) 513-4651  •  Turkey Spring, Youth Turkey
        Deer Gun, Dove, Rail, Gallinule,   Rabbit, Squirrel, Predator/   Contact the Refuge for general   Spring: One-tom limit; seasons
        Crow, Waterfowl, Turkey Fall Archery,   Furbearer Calling, Pursuit with   hunting or special use permits. All   combined.
        Predator/ Furbearer Calling, Trapping  Hounds: Closed during the first   shotgun hunting is restricted to   ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS
                                    nine days of deer gun season.
        SEASONS W/ SPECIAL                                 federally approved nontoxic shot.  Hunter and angler camping is
        RESTRICTIONS              •  Turkey Fall Gun: Tom only,   Area closed to all activities for   allowed within 50 yards of open
        •  Deer Gun: Open during the first   shotgun only.  controlled deer hunts Oct. 29-31,   roads.
          nine days only.         •  Waterfowl: Hunting hours for   Nov. 5-7 and Nov. 12-14, 2021. April   Lower Illinois River PFHA
        •  Pheasant, Snipe, Woodcock,   waterfowl close at 1 p.m. daily   8-10, 2022.  Sequoyah County
                                    on the WDU portions.
          Rabbit, Squirrel: Closed during                  CLOSED SEASONS
          the first nine days of deer gun   •  Trapping: Open to water sets,   Bear Archery, Bear Muzzleloader,   Hunting Contact: (918) 316-2281
          season.                   live box traps and enclosed   Deer Gun, Deer Muzzleloader, Youth   Game Warden: (918) 431-2544,
                                                           Deer Gun, Holiday Antlerless Deer
        •  Quail: Closed during the deer   trigger traps only.  Gun, Turkey Fall Gun, Turkey Spring,   (918) 431-2550
          muzzleloader season and the first   •  Turkey Spring, Youth Turkey   Youth Turkey Spring, Quail, Rail,   All hunting is restricted to shotguns
          nine days of deer gun season.  Spring: One-tom limit; seasons   Snipe, Gallinule, Woodcock, Dove,   with pellets or archery equipment
        •  Turkey Fall Gun: Tom only,   combined, area combined.  Crow, Predator/Furbearer Calling  only.
        •  Pursuit with Hounds: Closed   Hunter and angler camping is   RESTRICTIONS  Turkey Fall Gun
                                  allowed within 50 yards of open
          from the opening day of deer   roads.            •  Deer Archery: Closed the   SAME AS STATEWIDE SEASONS
          archery season through deer                        Friday before deer muzzleloader   Dove, Deer Archery, Rail, Gallinule,
          gun season.             Lexington WMA              season through the Sunday after   Crow, Waterfowl, Turkey Fall
        •  Turkey Spring, Youth Turkey   Cleveland County    the last controlled deer hunt.  Archery, Trapping, Quail, Snipe,
          Spring: One-tom limit; seasons                   •  Rabbit, Squirrel: Closed the   Woodcock, Rabbit, Squirrel, Pursuit
          combined, area combined.  Hunting Contact: (405) 823-8714  Friday before deer muzzleloader   with Hounds, Predator/ Furbearer
        ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS   Game Warden: (405) 850-9757,   season through the Sunday after   Calling
                                                             the last controlled deer hunt and
        Hunter and angler camping is   (405) 323-7863        closes Jan. 31.         SEASONS W/ SPECIAL
        allowed in designated areas.  Area closed to all activities (except          RESTRICTIONS
                                  shooting range) for controlled deer   •  Turkey Fall Archery: Closed the   •  Youth Deer Gun, Deer
        Keystone WMA              hunts Nov. 13-14 and Nov. 17-18,   Friday before deer muzzleloader
        Creek, Osage and Pawnee   2021.                      season through the Sunday after   Muzzleloader, Deer Gun,
                                                                                       Holiday Antlerless Deer Gun:
        Counties                  CLOSED SEASONS             the last controlled hunt.  Archery equipment only. Archery
        Hunting Contact: (918) 629-4625  Deer Gun, Holiday Antlerless Deer   •  Pursuit with Hounds:   equipment can be used to fill a
                                                             Closed the Friday before deer
        Game Warden: (918) 625-6801,   Gun, Turkey Fall Archery, Turkey Fall   muzzleloader season through   youth deer, deer muzzleloader,
                                                                                       deer gun or holiday antlerless
                                  Gun, Trapping
        (918) 625-6363, (918) 645-6116,                      the first nine days of deer gun   deer gun license.
        (918) 381-4099, (918) 640-0316,   SAME AS STATEWIDE SEASONS  season. Raccoon season same
        (918) 857-5557, (918) 440-9880  Youth Deer Gun, Deer Muzzleloader  as statewide season dates.   •  Turkey Spring, Youth Turkey
        That portion of the Arkansas Arm   SEASONS W/ SPECIAL   Contact the Refuge for permits.  Spring: One-tom limit; seasons
        of the Keystone WMA that was   RESTRICTIONS        •  Waterfowl, Trapping:
        previously the Waterfowl Refuge is   •  Deer Archery: Closed during   Contact the Refuge for special   ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS
        open to restricted hunting. Lands   the first nine days of deer gun   restrictions.  No camping allowed.
        in Osage County and the Arkansas   season.         Love Valley WMA           Major County WMA
        River are restricted to archery and   •  Dove, Rail, Gallinule, Crow,
        shotgun with pellets only. Lands in   Snipe, Waterfowl, Rabbit,   Love County  Major County
        Pawnee County are restricted to   Squirrel, Quail, Woodcock,   Hunting Contact: (405) 823-9038  Hunting Contact: (580) 541-5319
        archery only. The western boundary   Pursuit with Hounds,
        of these restricted hunting areas is   Predator/Furbearer Calling:   Game Warden: (580) 276-7193   Game Warden: (580) 227-0393
        a northern extension of Swan Drive   Closed from the opening day   All shotgun hunting is restricted to   CLOSED SEASONS
        in the city of Cleveland; the southern   of deer archery season through   federally approved nontoxic shot on   Holiday Antlerless Deer Gun, Rail,
        boundary is the old railroad trestle.  the first nine days of deer gun   the Stevens Springs WDU portion.  Gallinule, Pheasant
        All shotgun hunting is restricted to   season.     SAME AS STATEWIDE SEASONS  SAME AS STATEWIDE SEASONS
        federally approved nontoxic shot on   •  Turkey Spring, Youth Turkey   Deer Archery, Youth Deer Gun, Deer   Youth Deer Gun, Dove, Waterfowl,
        the Boston Pool, Buckeye Creek and   Spring: One-tom limit; seasons   Muzzleloader, Deer Gun, Holiday   Crane, Turkey Fall Gun, Turkey Fall
        Cottonwood Creek WDU portions.  combined.          Antlerless Deer Gun, Dove, Rail,   Archery, Deer Archery
                                                           Gallinule, Crow, Turkey Fall Archery
           In addition to general hunting regulations, statewide species regulations and Department-managed area rules, this section addresses
           special regulations that apply to public hunting lands. If a species or season is not listed, refer to statewide seasons and regulations.
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